5 Places Work at Home Moms Can Work Outside the Home Office

Being work at home moms is a plus for a lot of women. You can stay at home with your kids and still provide an income for your family. But sometimes it can get overwhelming to stay in the house all day and not get any adult interaction.

5 Places Work at Home Moms Can Work Outside the Home Office

Here are a few great options for work at home moms to get out of the house and still get some work done.

Co-working Spaces

This is a truly modern option for entrepreneurs, work at home moms and professionals who work alone. One of the pluses of working in a large office building for a corporation is work stations, printers, meeting spaces and adult interaction. You can pay a one time, monthly or yearly rate to have access to all the amenities of a large corporation.

READ MORE: 7 Tips For Working At Home With A Preschooler


This is a favorite of mine since I love Starbucks. My favorite drink is a tall nonfat Iced Caramel Macchiato.  What a mouthful though – I always get order panic at the register. Starbucks offers free wi-fi, comfy chairs and all the coffee your wallet can handle. Be prepared to get there early if you want a good spot. It also helps to add to the tip jar every now and then.  To keep it budget friendly, grab a Starbucks gift card in a designated amount and only use that for purchases.

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This is actually my favorite place to work outside the home. Why? Because it’s free! Computers, printers, Internet, books and peace and quiet.  Ahh, peace and quiet! At my local library, you can reserve meeting rooms or collaboration spaces. There are also large desks to spread out or enclosed desks for more privacy. There are limitations on how often and for how long you can reserve the meeting rooms, but I only need it for occasional use anyway.

Books about Working From Home

 There’s No Place Like Working From Home Legitimate Work from Home Jobs. Working From Home As A Virtual Assistant Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity



There may not be the Internet outside, unless you have a hotspot, but there is plenty of sunshine and inspiration. Sometimes I forget my computer will work if it’s not connected to the Internet. But it does, and I can still get a lot of things done. Go to a park, sit on your patio, it doesn’t matter where you are outside, just try to get some fresh air every now and then.  Work at home moms need sunshine just like our kids do!

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[Tweet “#WAHMs – Try to get outside and work in the sun if you can.”]


This is a great option if you need to take your kids with you.  Especially during the winter months, when parks aren’t an option due to weather, your kids can get out and run around in the play area while staying safe and dry. You can have a coffee and some lunch and get some work done on your laptop while your kids play.

If you want to learn more about working from home, check out my free ecourse – Start a Blog 101. It includes videos and tutorials to get your new blog up and running in no time.

Are you one of our fellow work at home moms? Let me know where you like to go in the comments.

Read the entire Work at Home Mom Series:

How To Be A Work At Home Mom – Book Review

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5 Places Work at Home Moms Can Work Outside the Home Office

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The best products for you and your baby.

Baby monitor

With a baby monitor, you can use your time flexibly, sleep peacefully at night and still know at all times that your baby is doing well.

Nursing pillow

A good breastfeeding pillow has several advantages, because it helps you not only to breastfeed, but also to fall asleep and is also suitable as a nest.

Diaper bags

A diaper bag offers you a lot of storage space, so that you have everything you need for your baby on the go - from the changing pad to the bottle.


A pucksack gives your baby the feeling of security, like in the womb, and thus supports a peaceful and restful sleep.

Bicycle trailer

Bicycle trailers can be used in combination with a baby seat shortly after birth. They are not only safer than child seats but also more comfortable.


A playpen can be very practical in everyday life! Which model is suitable for your needs, you can read in my guide.

Baby bed

The first bed accompanies your child for years. Fortunately, there are beds that grow with your child. I have made for you on the search for the best baby beds.


A stroller is a worthwhile purchase. But there are the most diverse models on the market. Find out which is the right one.

Radiant heater

Radiant heaters provide your child with the necessary warmth when changing diapers or after bathing.

Extra bed

Side beds are very practical and offer both mother and baby a lot of advantages, because for babies, especially in the first months of life, it is reassuring to be able to sleep next to their parents.

6 thoughts on “5 Places Work at Home Moms Can Work Outside the Home Office”

  1. Getting a change of space for a WAHM is such a necessary thing to do from time to time. It can break mindblock and help inspire new thoughts. I especially love it for those times when I feel like a hermit just pounding away on a key board. Thanks for the reminder to get out, get some sunshine and make work work for me.

  2. I think McDonalds is a great spot too – or any place that has an enclosed playground! I’ve been seeing a lot of places pop up at the mall where you pay to let your kids play for a while, and they have desk-like tables where you can sit down. The malls usually have free wi-fi nowadays so I think it would be a great place to work! 😀

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