7 Tips For Working At Home With A Preschooler

Some would think that working at home with a preschooler would be super easy, but that is not always the case. Most preschoolers are pretty determined and have a mind of their own. If you work at home with a preschooler or plan on doing so, these tips are for you.

7 Tips for Working at Home with a Preschooler - Some would think that working at home with a preschooler would be super easy, but that is not always the case. Click here to read.

  1. Nap time is your friend – Not all preschoolers may nap, but there is always quiet time. This time is valuable, so that you can get your work done in a timely manner. If your preschooler doesn’t nap, put a timer in their room and tell them that they cannot come out until the timer goes off.
  2. Play time is crucial – Just because you work from home, it doesn’t mean your preschooler’s needs don’t need met. Cut out time in your day to spend playing with your preschooler, you’ll be glad you made this a priority.
  3. Put busy bags together – It’s important for your preschooler to stay busy while you get some work done. In order to achieve this, you can put busy bags together. Busy bags are an independent way for your preschooler to stay busy while you work.
  4. Plan as much as you can – While preschoolers can be unpredictable, it’s important to plan your day as much as you can. Make office hours for yourself. This will help you stay in check for when you work and when you will be spending time with the family.
  5. Tell your preschooler what you’re doing – Not all children understand that work is a part of life and a way that mommy and daddy pay the bills. In order to help them understand a small part of this, let them know what you’re doing. Tell them that you’re working to help pay for the house and food. You never know if they will understand, until you tell them. This isn’t burdening them with the world, it is helping them understand that play time doesn’t occur all of the time.
  6. Stick to your word – When you work from home, it’s very easy to make empty promises. If you tell your preschooler you’re going to do something with them, always follow through. At the end of the day, your work will be there, but your child will be just a little bit older. Before you break a promise, remember what it does to their emotions, even while they’re still little.
  7. Put a reward system in place – Good behavior deserves to be rewarded and that’s why putting a sticker chart or reward chart together is a really good idea. You may wonder what a reward system will do for a work at home mom. Well, when you need your child to listen the first time because you need 10-20 minutes to get some work done, it’s nice when they follow through and a reward system is a great way to be consistent.
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What tips do you have for working at home with a preschooler?

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3 thoughts on “7 Tips For Working At Home With A Preschooler”

  1. Love the stick to your word tip! Even if my toddler is small, she understands when I tell her we will go outside after lunch. When she is out of her high chair, she runs to the door. Building that trust in my toddler is more important than 5 more minutes of work. 🙂

  2. Kristen,

    What great tips. My twins are officially preschoolers and it’s a battle at times. Now that they are older, there are more activities. Skating lessons, swimming, gymnastics and just going to the library or rec center to play. While I don’t work when my kids are awake, I do handle email and social media posts sometimes. I find planning is key.
    Each morning my twins ask me, “mom, what’s the plan for today?” 🙂

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