All Articles About Family Life At A Glance

Family life is wild and colorful, sometimes it is harmonious and sometimes it is not so easy to do justice to everything and everyone. We have compiled our articles about family life here for you.

All Articles About Family Life Organization

All families are different, but each needs its own organization for its everyday life or special situations in life. Here you will find suggestions for this.

Every family is different

Bringing grandma into the house: advantages and requirements

Planning for your child’s future: How much influence is just right?

Moving into your own house: How to make it stress-free for your child, too

Copyright infringements on the Internet: Are parents liable for their children?

The right age for a cell phone – does it even exist?

A TV in the children’s room

Child safety in the kitchen

Safety in the children’s room must always be an issue

Homemaker: father on parental leave

Forms of childcare

10 tips to make life easier for children during the separation of parents

All Articles About Finances And Family Life

To finance your family life, you need money, no question about it. Here’s how you can overcome financial challenges.

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The Top 10 Most Common Parenting Mistakes

Child allowance: what you always wanted to know about it

Building child allowance: Curse or blessing?

Cashback – How can parents benefit?

How much does a child cost – How to master the financial challenges?

Well-secured home ownership: What families need to know

How much pocket money should my child get? – A pocket money recommendation

All Articles About Parenting Alone

Families are not always lucky enough to stay together and manage their everyday life together in the long term. Here you can find out how to manage everyday life as a single parent.

Single mothers: Between child, kitchen and bedroom

10 sentences that no single woman can hear anymore

10 reasons why single parents can’t find a man

Separation with child: Suddenly a single parent

Dating for single parents: Is the child an obstacle?

With a child, but without a partner? The green tape for new patchwork families!

All Articles About Mastering Family Life In Difficult Situations

Life as a family, unfortunately, can not always be harmonious and happy. Here you will learn how to master difficult situations in family life together.

Family therapy: Helpful support for relationship or family problems

When parents are overwhelmed: What to do about stress and sleep problems?

Disputes with parents – What children should know about them.

Social Distancing: The best ideas for more closeness despite physical distance

The problems of young families – and their solutions

Love crisis after baby bliss – when couples become parents

The patchwork family adventure: between happiness and conflict

Separation children: When mom and dad no longer love each other

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Children's Fun Outdoors: The Toys For Outdoors

Suicide in the family

Patchwork family – How it works

When collecting becomes an addiction: The Messie Syndrome

I am so ashamed – This is how children from poor families feel

When children become parents: Pregnant under 20

All Articles About Education And Support In Family Life

Which parenting style is the right one? Am I supporting my child appropriately? These are the questions we ask ourselves when living together as a family. Here you will find answers to your questions.

The top 10 most common parenting mistakes

From outdated to modern: An overview of parenting styles

Authoritarian parenting: What is behind this parenting style?

How the mommy note positively influences parenting

Learning independence: children alone at home

PEKiP – why early intervention is so popular with parents

Is your child ready for kindergarten?

How the family influences the choice of career

Still waters run deep: This is what makes introverted kids tick

Why children’s magazines are important for your child

All Articles About A Harmonious Family Life

A happy and harmonious family life is the wish of every family. Here you can find out how to achieve it.

The first time as a threesome: Capturing the best moments and sharing them with your loved ones

Children with disabilities: A life with a special child

Bonding: tips for a good parent-child relationship

Good night stories: For a restful night’s sleep

Easy-to-care-for pets: Children’s best friends

Kids and pets – Here’s why it’s important for kids to have a pet

10 child-friendly dog breeds

Family vacations: meeting many needs at once – is it possible?

Mother-daughter relationship: Why I never wanted to be like my mother

Are you ready for mother-child rehab?

Also interesting:
Is Your Child Ready For Kindergarten?

Jealousy among siblings

When siblings fight

Sleep better – 14 tips for kids

All Articles About Family Life Through The Seasons

Every season brings its own exciting celebrations and special features. We show you how to make each season special with your family.

What you always wanted to know about Easter traditions

What’s hiding in the grass? Great tips for the Easter nest

DIY Easter eggs – the best tips and tricks

Want to cool down? – 10 tips against heat for you and your family

Creepy Halloween frats: DIY pumpkin carving with kids

Make a lantern – DIY tutorial

New Year’s Eve with kids: Family friendly ideas for the turn of the year

All Articles About Joint Activities

Spending time together is the best part of life as a family. Here you’ll find great ideas for shared activities.

Enjoy time together

No time for sports? This is how you integrate your hobby into your family’s daily routine

Crafting with papier-mâché: How it works

Sewing a cuddly toy: Quick and easy with these instructions

Movement games for children – that’s why they are so important

Pinata crafting: Bring creativity and cheerfulness into the children’s room

Build your own sandbox – it’s that easy

The three best outdoor games for kids

Spending time with the kids – great ideas for the whole year

Playground dynamics: What type of mother are you?

Painting the baby bump paint – great memento of the time leading up to the birth

All Articles About Fashion And Styling Issues When Living With Children

The question “What do I wear?” arises not only for adults, but also for children. Here you will learn everything about the clothes of your children.

Also interesting:
Chore Charts For Your Kids

Children’s hairstyles for girls: Romantic braided hairstyles and cheeky haircuts

Children’s hairstyles for boys: Haircuts from sweet to cheeky

Mending, bequeathing, secondhand & Co – How to get the most out of expensive children’s clothing

DIY – Sewing children’s clothes made easy

How to get the most out of expensive children’s clothing

What teenage fashion trends are constantly repeating?

Cool children’s fashion: well dressed through the fall

All Articles About Celebrations, Congratulations And The Right Gifts For The Small And Big Moments In Life

Family life naturally includes the big and small celebrations in life. Here you will find ideas for the design of the beautiful moments together and ideas for suitable congratulations and gifts.

Wrapping gifts – creative ideas for every occasion

The perfect baby shower: How to plan it properly

Proverbs for the birth: 25 beautiful sayings as Gcongratulations for the birth

The most beautiful christening songs: Great songs to sing along to

The godfather: friend, mentor, companion in difficult phases

Are you going to be a godfather? This is what you should know about it

Hooray, I’m going to be a godmother – but what does that mean exactly?

Beautiful Mother’s Day sayings: Great ideas for you

Everything about a child’s birthday: invitation cards, games and gift ideas

Children’s birthday party – How to make your party a success!

Ideas for the children’s birthday

The right gifts for the first day of school

Sayings for school enrollment: Discover the creative world of congratulations now

The right gifts for confirmation

Confirmation sayings – the most beautiful wishes for confirmation

The best products for you and your baby.

Baby monitor

With a baby monitor, you can use your time flexibly, sleep peacefully at night and still know at all times that your baby is doing well.

Nursing pillow

A good breastfeeding pillow has several advantages, because it helps you not only to breastfeed, but also to fall asleep and is also suitable as a nest.

Diaper bags

A diaper bag offers you a lot of storage space, so that you have everything you need for your baby on the go - from the changing pad to the bottle.


A pucksack gives your baby the feeling of security, like in the womb, and thus supports a peaceful and restful sleep.

Bicycle trailer

Bicycle trailers can be used in combination with a baby seat shortly after birth. They are not only safer than child seats but also more comfortable.


A playpen can be very practical in everyday life! Which model is suitable for your needs, you can read in my guide.

Baby bed

The first bed accompanies your child for years. Fortunately, there are beds that grow with your child. I have made for you on the search for the best baby beds.


A stroller is a worthwhile purchase. But there are the most diverse models on the market. Find out which is the right one.

Radiant heater

Radiant heaters provide your child with the necessary warmth when changing diapers or after bathing.

Extra bed

Side beds are very practical and offer both mother and baby a lot of advantages, because for babies, especially in the first months of life, it is reassuring to be able to sleep next to their parents.

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