About every sixth couple in Germany is involuntarily childless. Artificial insemination offers the possibility of fulfilling your wish to have a child. Here you can find out what the process of artificial insemination looks like, what the chances are, and what risks you will face.
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What Is Artificial Insemination?
In principle, artificial insemination is understood to mean all procedures in which a possible pregnancy is brought about without sexual intercourse.
Possible reasons for infertility can be reduced sperm motility or a blocked fallopian tube. However, statutory health insurance companies only cover the costs for married couples under certain conditions costs of artificial insemination.
This Is How Artificial Insemination Works
Did you know that there are different methods of artificial insemination? Which method is suitable for whom must be decided individually by your doctor. The reasons for the previous unfulfilled desire to have children play a big role in this.
In addition to the different methods, hormones are administered to the woman to stimulate her fertility.
Different Methods Of Artificial Insemination
With the insemination method, sperm is introduced into the uterus through a catheter at the time of ovulation. This method is particularly recommended if your partner suffers from sperm immobility.
Before the procedure, the sperm is processed and unwanted substances are separated. The most commonly used method is the homologous insemination. Here, the sperm of one’s own partner is used.
In heterologous or donor insemination, the procedure is carried out using sperm from a sperm donor.
In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
In in vitro fertilisation, artificial insemination takes place outside your body. The eggs are collected and combined with sperm in a petri dish.
To increase the chances of this method, several eggs are usually used. After about 40 to 72 hours, the eggs are inserted into the uterus with a catheter.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
The sperm is injected directly into the egg. This procedure is recommended when sperm quality is limited.
Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE)
In this method of artificial insemination, the sperm are extracted directly from the testicles and then injected into the egg as in the previous method.
Cultivation Of Spermatogonial Stem Cells
If there are no mature sperm in the seminal fluid, it is possible to remove them from the testicles and cultivate them in a laboratory.
In this way, sperm can be obtained from the stem cells, which are then implanted in eggs.
What Are The Chances Of Artificial Insemination?
The success rate of artificial insemination is 19% on average.
The decisive factor here is the age of the woman and the man. In addition, the admittedly low average is due to the fact that many couples discontinue the treatment after only a few attempts.
Artificial insemination is not only associated with high costs. This procedure also requires enormous stress. Despite all the downsides, you should stick together with your partner and possibly seek support.
What Risks Can Arise?
The addition of hormones can cause some side effects. Here is an overview of possible symptoms:
- Vomiting
- Headache
- Water Retention
- Thrombosis
Artificial insemination can also increase the risk of miscarriage. However, the average rate is not much higher than with a naturally induced pregnancy.
Artificial Insemination: A Conclusion
An unfulfilled desire to have children can be very stressful. However, more couples suffer from it than you might think at first. About one in six couples is affected.
Artificial insemination can be a great way to fulfil your long-awaited wish of having your own child.
Let the doctor you trust advise you thoroughly and make a decision together.