To make Mother’s Day sayings actually more creative and to get away from the lovingly meant, but little special “Happy Mother’s Day”, is not so easy.
That’s why we’ve put together some nice short and also a few longer sayings for you, which will make every mom’s heart swell.
In addition, you will learn how to become a poet of Mother’s Day sayings.
Table of contents
Mother’s Day: Sayings For Every Mom
There are numerous beautiful Mother’s Day sayings. The selection is so large and so diverse that without a doubt a suitable saying is waiting for every mom. Get inspired by our compilation that says “Happy Mother’s Day” in a special way!
Tip: Most moms want sayings with added value for Mother’s Day. That means feel free to pick something poetic, whether long or short sayings.
Beautiful Mother’s Day Sayings
Everything I am or hope to ever be, I owe to my mother. I love you, mommy!
Who loves me and will always love me, no matter how much I change or am guilty of you, my mother! I love you for that!
Abraham Lincoln
For today’s happy feast I wish you from my heart, the most beautiful and the best and your love for me. Kindly accept my wish out of pure mind and faithful love!
Thomas Carlyle
If you wish for Mother’s Day sayings with many lines, the following two poems may be suitable.
An Extraordinary Mother
My mom is very different from normal people are, and I really need to know that, after all, I am her child.
For example, everyone sleeps in the middle of the night, except my dear mom, who is always wide awake.
If I have a bad dream I call for her, she doesn’t have to wake up at all -she’s right there with me.
Andre people get sick, she has never been. Even when she doesn’t feel well, she can still read to me.
Some things are secret, I don’t tell them, I make an ordinary, happy face.
No one will discover the secrecy I have, only from Mom I can never hide a secret.
She looks into my head, right into my brain, easily reads the thoughts behind my forehead…
Andre people go on vacation to relax, then go to distant countries, all the way to Spain or Poland.
My mom stays with us. When we go on vacation, she comes with us and cooks for us, packs all our things.
My mom is a miracle, as great as she is none. How lucky I was: she is mine!
Renate Eggert-Schwarten
My dear mother you
My dear mother, I want to give you flowers. What I want to say to you, you can already imagine.
I wish you happiness and cheerfulness, the sun shall smile on you! As well as I can and always I want to make you happy.
Because mother’s days, that’s true, they are on all days. I love you all year round, that’s what I wanted to tell you.
Ursula Wölfel
For Mother’s Day: Sayings With Profound Character
No cornucopia that rains from all treasures is richer than the mother’s hand that blesses.
Anastasius Green
The future of the child is the work of his mother.
The mother is the genius of the child.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Mothers understand that children do not say.
Jewish proverb
A mother is to her child as rain is to a flower.
Indian proverb
A mother’s love does not divide between children, it multiplies.
Maria Theresa
There is only one completely selfless, completely pure, completely divine love. And that is the love of a mother for her child.
George Moritz Ebers
Mother love, you are called the highest of life! So then everyone, however quickly he dies, will nevertheless be granted his highest!
Friedrich Hebbel
Carry your mother in your arms when her legs fail her; she carried you in her womb when you had none.
Friedrich Hebbel
Motherly love is peace. It needs neither to be acquired nor earned.
Erich Fromm
To be a real mother is a difficult thing. It is probably the highest task in human life.
Jeremias Gotthelf
How To Develop Your Own Charming Mother’s Day Sayings
You may not be Goethe or Hesse, but you definitely have what it takes to write your own beautiful Mother’s Day sayings. Everyone has what it takes.
These sayings are allowed to include a classic “Happy Mother’s Day” or “All the best for Mother’s Day”. You can find an example of such Mother’s Day sayings in the next sub-chapter of our post.
With this Mother’s Day sayings chapter of our guide, we address three target groups:
- To moms, who are of course also daughters of moms.
- To life partners of moms, and;
- To children who are old enough to write poetry to their dear mom.
Do you belong to one of these three groups and want to create wonderful Mother’s Day sayings for your mom or dear wife, respectively?
Then just follow our guide that will show you how to conjure up short sayings with or without rhyme.
Mother’s Day Poetry: General Tips For Short Sayings
The good news is: there are no real rules that determine how you have to compose Mother’s Day sayings. This means that it’s best to let your imagination and creativity run wild and listen to your heart.
The words will then come out of you all by themselves.
Note: We will, of course, give you a few tips to help you write literally melodious Mother’s Day sayings. But in principle, for once, there is no right and wrong here.
Right is everything that pleases you and the recipient of your words. And if it ends up being just a simple “Happy Mother’s Day”, that’s just as valid.
You decide whether you prefer to write Mother’s Day sayings in rhyme form or “classic” poems. For both Mother’s Day sayings variants, we have a short instruction ready in each case.
The basic statements of the self-penned Mother’s Day sayings should preferably fit the occasion, i.e. Mother’s Day.
In addition, it is important that they pick up the celebrated lady and her individual characteristics. Ideally, the words also show something of you, your unique nature. If you succeed in this, your Mother’s Day sayings will be worth their weight in gold.
All Love For Mother’s Day: Instructions For Simple Four-line Mother’s Day Sayings In Rhyme Form
Step 1
First, you need an introductory line. How you create it is completely up to you. You can use whatever you like. Start simple, it’s your first attempt to write a Mother’s Day rhyme.
For example, “Happy Mother’s Day”.
Step 2
Now it gets a little trickier. Think about what could rhyme with the last word of your first line, say, “Mother’s Day”. Hint: It is enough if the word rhymes with the final syllable, i.e. “day”.
Examples: sag, mag, arg, lag.
Step 3
Which word harmonizes best with the context (Mother’s Day) and your general idea for the poem? Decide on one of the rhyming words.
We think that “mag” is an excellent choice here.
Step 4
Now the task is to create a second line with the chosen word. Just don’t think too hard, stay cool and take your time.
Example: “I’m telling you this because I like you”.
Step 5
As in step 1, you may now think more or less freely about what the third line should be. However, make sure that it still fits the basic theme and does not stray too much from the first two lines.
For example, “You are the greatest mom in the world”.
Step 6
Almost there! All you need now is a nice ending. Just remember that the last word of the fourth line should again rhyme with the last word of line 3 – that is, with “world”.
Possible rhyming words: field, money, barks, hero, etc.
Example line: “And remain for all time my hero”.
Our sample poem as a whole:
Happy Mother’s Day, I’m telling you this because I like you. You are the greatest mom in the world and you’ll always be my hero.
Tip: To compose a beautiful rhyming poem, you should make sure that the line lengths harmonize well. This does not necessarily mean that they have to be exactly the same length.
As long as you have the impression while reading that the individual lines can be said fluidly one after the other, everything is in the green zone. You should avoid bumpy passages.
Happy Mother’s Day: Instructions For More Profound Mother’s Day Sayings
On the one hand, this instruction is recommended for moms who want to write a special message to their mothers as daughters. On the other hand, the significant others of moms can write their own poems based on our recommendations.
If you write your own Mother’s Day sayings, you can wish your mom or your loved one all the best for Mother’s Day in a very special way.
Tip: The more profound Mother’s Day sayings are not subject to rhyming constraints – on the contrary. We find on occasions like International Women’s Day or Mother’s Day sayings without rhymes often more profound. If you see it differently, of course, you can rhyme here too.
But now to the steps:
Step 1: Develop an idea for a story you want to tell with the Mother’s Day poem. It usually suffices if you think of a theme, a kind of “headline”, for it.
For example, “You’ve been through so much as a single mom and you’ve always been strong”.
Step 2: Now think of a sequence of lines that correspond to this “motto”.
Our example:
Life has taken a lot out of you, Sorrow, pain, tears. The water was up to your neck, but you swam, far, and reached the shore of salvation. I am proud of you and proud to be to be a part of you. You wonderful mother, you heroine, you goddess, you fantastic being.
And now it’s your turn. Just try it out. It’s fun, you’ll see! Very soon, you’ll come up with Mother’s Day sayings that go far beyond the simplicity of “Happy Mother’s Day”.
Why Is Mother’s Day Celebrated In The First Place?
As the name suggests, Mother’s Day is celebrated in honor of the mother.
- Since 1914, it has established itself – starting in the USA – in our western world.
- In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, the celebration of motherhood is held on the second Sunday in May – every year. The same applies to many other countries.
- Exciting background information: We have a US-American women’s movement to thank for Mother’s Day, which broke out as early as the mid-1860s.
- In 1865, the American Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis tried to found a mothers’ movement called “Mothers Friendships Day”. She organized meetings where mothers could come together and exchange ideas on topical issues related to being a demanding mother.
- Julia Ward Howe launched a unique Mothers Peace Day initiative five years later. Under the powerful slogan “peace and motherhood,” she fought to stop sons from being sacrificed in war.
- From the 1860s onward, more and more women’s associations and movements appeared in Europe. These were committed to peace projects and, of course, more women’s rights.
- The founder of the modern Mother’s Day is Anna Marie Jarvis, the daughter of the above mentioned Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis.
Here is the chronicle in quick overview:
- On May 12, 1907 – it was the Sunday after the second anniversary of her mother’s death – Anna Marie Jarvis held a “Memorial Mothers Day Meeting” in Grafton.
- The following year, again at the Methodist Church in Grafton and again on the second Sunday in May, a devotion was dedicated to all mothers. Jarvis urged that this be done.
- Thereafter, Jarvis worked diligently to create an official Mother’s Day. Her initiative to establish such a day of honor met with success. By 1909, a whopping 45 U.S. states celebrated Mother’s Day.
- On May 8, 1914, the time had come: from now on, the second Sunday in May was to be celebrated as Mother’s Day, annually, as an official holiday.
- The increasing commercialization of Mother’s Day greatly displeased the founder. She turned away from the movement and even regretted having once started it. From then on, she fought for the abolition of the holiday – unsuccessfully.
- In Europe, Mother’s Day first arrived in the United Kingdom and soon after in Switzerland (1917), Germany (1923) and Austria (1924).
We wish all moms a happy Mother’s Day!