Biblical Names: Which First Name From The Bible Might Suit Your Son Or Daughter?

You will soon give birth to us are still looking for a name? Biblical names can also be very beautiful and are rich in tradition and yet modern. Here you get a selection of biblical boy and girl names.

Biblical Names

Biblical names offer you a religious inspiration and carry a deep meaning. Here we are talking about the names from the Old and New Testaments. They are becoming more popular again in recent years, maybe there is one for your little treasure.

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Names From The Bible: Variations

Most biblical names have a Hebrew origin and were integrated in the 12th and 13th century in the german naming system. In use they were primarily names from the environment of the family of Jesus.

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  • John: God is merciful
  • Elizabeth: My God is seven

Often the Hebrew First names have the syllable “Jo-” at the beginning, or “-ja” at the end. Here arises the Association to God “Yahweh”. By the way, these names are called sentence names.


  • Jonathan: Yahweh has given
  • Tobias: Yahweh is kind

Other biblical names simply stand on the other hand, simply stand for certain word meanings.


  • Sarah: Princess
  • Adina: the Fine, the delicate, the noble

First names from the wider Of the Holy Scriptures, for example, of saints, popes, and Martyrs, definitely also belong to the collection of biblical names.


  • Sebastian: The Exalted
  • Catherine: The pure one

Difference Between Biblical And Christian Names

Biblical names are those which occur in the Bible and thus linguistically originate from the Hebrew or Aramaic. Christian names also include biblical saints with Latin, Greek or Germanic origin germanic origin.

Biblical Names: The 12 Apostles

  • Andrew
  • Bartholomew
  • James
  • John
  • Judas Iscariot
  • Matthew
  • Peter
  • Philip
  • Thomas
  • Simon
  • Thaddeus
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Biblical Names: Famous Couples From The Old Testament

  • Adam and Eve
  • Cain and Abel
  • Abraham and Sarah
  • Isaac and Rebekah
  • Jacob and Esau
  • Leah and Rachel
  • Moses and Aaron
  • Samson and Delilah
  • David and Bathsheba
  • Judith and Holofernes

Biblical Names For Boys And Girls

In history men were in the foreground for a long time. So there is a surplus of male names Names there is a surplus of male names. Known biblical names therefore fit as a female variation.


Male Female
Simon Simone
Gabriel Gabriele

Biblical Names From A-Z For Girls

Letters Names With Meaning
A Abigail: Wife of King David
Ada: mother of Jabal and Jubal
Adina: the fine, the tender, noble

Anna: the graced

B Bathsheba: daughter of Oath; mother of King Solomon
C Cloe: the Green
D Dalila: the little one
Damaris: the wife
Daniela : God is my judge
Deliah: the fine one
Deborah : the bee, also bumblebee
Dina: the one who got right

E Elisabeth: My God is Seven – seven stands for fullness and perfection
Esther: the star, the radiant, shining, star bearer
Eve: the animated, the life giving

H Hannah: grace, loveliness and grace
J Jael: the uplifter
Jedida: beloved, darling (of Yahweh)
Jemima : the dove
Jemina : happy, blessed, respected
Johanna: short form Hanna: the Lord is gracious
Judith: the woman of Judah, Yehud
Julia: the shining one, virgin

K Kezia: the second born
L Leah also Leah: one of the four archmothers of the people of Israel, the weary
Lydia: who comes from Lydia
M Magdalene: coming from Magdala
Mary: the mother of Jesus
Martha: the mistress, mistress
Milka: sister-in-law of Abraham in the Old Testament
Miriam: the sister of Moses, prophetess

N Noemi: the lovely one
P Peninna: the pearl
Puah: boys left alive
R Rahel: the ewe
Rebecca: the well-fed, captivating
Ruth: the beauty, friendship

S Salome: integrity, peace, friendship, complete
Saphira: beautiful place
Sarah: the princess
Sarai: my princess; wife of Abraham
Susanne: the lily

T Tabea also Tabitha: the gazelle
Tamar: date
Y Yael also Jaël or Jael: the ascending woman
Z Zipporah: little bird

Biblical Names From A-Z For Boys

Letters Names with meaning
A Aaron: the enlightened, the mountain man
Abel: the breath, nothingness
Abimelech: my father is king
Abraham: the father is exalted
Adam: the man of earth
Andrew: the first-called

B Balthazar: Baal protect the king
Barnabas: son of comfort
Baruch: the blessed and the blessing
Benjamin: the child of fortune, son of my right hand
Boaz: in him is strength

D Dan: judge
Daniel: God is my judge
David: the beloved

E Eleazar: God helps
Elijah: my God is Yahweh
Elisha: God saves/helps
Elkanah : God created
Ephraim : twice fruitful
Esau: the hairy one; son of İsaac and Rebekah; twin brother of Jacob; grandson of Abraham
Ezra: help

G Gabriel: man of God, God is my hero
Gad: Happiness
Gideon: the destroyer

H Enoch: follower
Hosea: God saves
I Isaac: God smiles
Israel: God rules
Issachar: one of the 12 sons of Jacob

J Jacob also James or Jacobus: the heel-holder, he follows
Jamin: son of the right hand
Jeremiah : the second of the four great prophets of the Old Testament
Isaiah: prophet i.d. Bible; son of Amoz
Joachim: God judges
Joel: Yahweh is God
John also Jan: God is gracious
Jonah: the peace-loving one, the dove
Jonathan: Yahweh (God) has given
Joseph: God adds
Joshua: Yahweh (God) is salvation

K Clement: the mild or the patient, the gentle, meek one
L Lazarus: God is my helper
Levi: the faithful, the connected, the strong
Luke: who is from Lucan

M Manasseh: he makes forget
Mark: the tender, lovely one, also son of Mars (Lat.)
Matthias: gift from Yahweh
Melchior: king of light
Michael: who is like God?

N Nahum: comforter
Nathan: the gift
Noah: the comforter

O Obadiah: worshiper
P Paul: the little one (lat.)
Q Quartus: the Fourth
R Raphael: God heals
Reuben: see, a son!
S Solomon: the Peaceful
Samuel : Heard of God
Samson : the Sun
Saul: the Requited
Saul: the Requested
Shem: Descendant
Samson: Shining like the Sun
Stefan: Crowned

T Timon: the respected and honorable
Timothy: who honors God
U Uriel: my light is God
Z Zacchaeus: the innocent
Zacharias: the Lord remembered

Decide On The Appropriate Name

Whether you want a fancy, traditional, classical or a very modern first name, is entirely up to you. However, the decision is not particularly easy, since your child will have Child will carry the chosen name for the rest of his or her life.

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Biblical names are associated with Religion and are rich in tradition. Whether you are a believer or not, probably everyone has heard one or another biblical passage. Biblical Names are always a good choice if you are looking for a name that sounds good but at the same time first name for your son or daughter that sounds good, but at the same time has deep symbolism for your son or daughter.

To help, you and your partner can create a list of names. The names that come into question can then be discussed and ultimately lead to an easier decision.


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