Children In India Celebrate The Birthday Of Mahatma Gandhi

In India, many thousands of children celebrated the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi celebrated. This was in the year 1948 in the city New Delhi was assassinated. In his honor, the children dressed up and dressed as Gandhi always dressed.

Disguise In Honor Of An Important Man

To pay proper tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his birthday, the children wrapped themselves in white cloth, put on a cap, glued on a mustache, and put round glasses on their noses. They wanted to look just like their great role model had looked. Although Mahatma Gandhi has been dead for so long, the people of India have not forgotten him to this day. It was he who peacefully fought for the freedom of the country of India.

India Was Ruled By Great Britain

For many years, the people of India were not free. Their country belonged to Britain and the people of India had to do what they were ordered to do by Britain. Mahatma Gandhi, who was born in 1869, fought for the freedom of his country, India, for many years without violence. In 1947, the time finally came and British left India and the country could celebrate its independence. Mahatma Gandhi, however, could not enjoy the freedom of his country for long, then only half a year after independence he was unfortunately assassinated. But the people of India never forgot him and that is why the children remembered him in this way.

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Explanation Of The Difficult Words

Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, resistance fighter, and also revolutionary. It is also thanks to his protest against the country Great Britain that India achieved its independence. He was born in 1869 and died in 1948.

New Delhi is the capital of India. New Delhi has a population of about 250,000. Although the city is relatively small compared to Beijing, Shanghai, or even New York, it is nevertheless the world’s most polluted city.

Photo: yadunandan /

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