Circulatory Problems During Pregnancy: These Causes Are Responsible For It

Circulatory problems during pregnancy are usually manifested by dizziness and flickering eyes. In addition, cold sweats may break out. Low blood pressure and a high pulse are also not unusual.

Now that your body is in a transition phase and has to take care of a new life, the circulatory system faces a considerable challenge. Find out here what is behind these pregnancy complaints.

Eye Flickering, Sweating And Co. – When The Circulation Goes Crazy

When a new life begins in the female body, new blood vessels are formed. Nature has arranged it so that the blood volume in the mother-to-be’s body is increased by up to 25 percent, so that the fetus or embryo can be optimally supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

The Circulatory System: The Barometer Of Your Body

If circulatory problems occur, this is not a disadvantage either for the expectant mother or for the unborn child. Rather, circulatory problems or sweating, low blood pressure during pregnancy, high pulse, cold sweat and flickering eyes are warnings from your body.

They signal to you that you should take it easy in order to avoid further circulatory problems.

Typical Signs Of Classic Circulatory Problems:

  • Eye flickering.
  • Sweating.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • High pulse.
  • Cold sweat.
  • Dizziness.

Circulatory Problems Are Often Pre-Programmed In Pregnancy

Basically, you should not worry if you have circulation problems or sweating. Because your body now delivers “top performance” and sometimes compensates for this by the circulatory system going crazy.


Due to the numerous changes that are now taking place in your organism, it is conceivable that your blood pressure will change during your pregnancy. This can lead to circulatory problems, flickering eyes or sweating.

A very high, but also very low blood pressure, a high pulse, cold sweat, and eye flickering are relatively frequent accompanying symptoms. In the event of persistent circulatory fluctuations or even a collapse, you should definitely seek medical advice and have yourself examined.

Circulatory problems, flickering eyes, and sweating are usually an indication that numerous processes are taking place in the mother-to-be’s body that is extremely stressful for her organism at times. However, they all serve to support the child’s development from the very beginning.

From the first day of pregnancy, it is no longer just a matter of supplying the woman’s organism, but rather the focus is now primarily on the unborn child. In addition to an optimal supply of nutrients, the removal of metabolic products must also be ensured.

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This also requires a great deal of physical effort, including the conception of new blood vessels.

Good To Know

During pregnancy, a number of changes take place in the body to ensure optimal growth of the child. Not only your own organism but also that of your little “lodger” is now supplied with nutrients and other essential substances via the blood.

In addition, metabolic waste products must be transported away so as not to contaminate the bloodstream. There is indeed a lot going on in the pregnant woman’s body.

Because numerous new blood vessels have already developed at the beginning of pregnancy, the total volume of blood increases. It can take a while for the body to get used to these changes. Consequently, circulatory problems may occur during the period of acclimatization.

Morning Circulation Problems Are Completely Normal

It starts in the morning when you get up: dizziness, sweating and even fainting may be the result if you start too quickly so soon after waking up.

Don’t move too fast when getting out of bed and give your body the opportunity to slowly move from sleep to awake mode. This not only helps you, but is also good for your baby’s organism. Other factors that can promote circulatory problems are.

  • Poor indoor air
  • High temperatures
  • Heavy food
  • Standing for long periods
  • Overexertion in any form
  • Lying down for too long
  • Too rapid movements


If your circulatory problems are really severe enough to cause you to faint, this will put additional strain on your body. Apart from that, it is possible that you or the little treasure in your tummy may suffer injuries due to a fall.

Complications could be the serious consequence! If you know that you are sometimes prone to fainting spells, you should definitely monitor your body and take the best possible care of yourself during pregnancy. If necessary, your doctor will prescribe temporary bed rest.

Temporary Anemia (Anemia)

Because the body of a pregnant woman has to meet high demands to supply two organisms at the same time (!), nature has provided for increased blood production. If this – for whatever reason – is not possible in certain phases, temporary anemia may occur.

In the wide world of medicine, this is called anemia. In order to avoid anemia and prevent circulatory problems, it is essential that you drink enough fluids. Because the liquid requirement is not adequately served, low blood pressure and high pulse are the results.

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Another Cause Of Circulatory Problems

With every pregnancy, the sex hormone progesterone is produced in the female body. However, this happens in the course of each female cycle: even before the egg is fertilized, it is prepared for implantation in the uterine mucosa.

When the egg is fertilized, the progesterone concentration increases. The hormone level remains at a higher level until delivery. Thus, progesterone initiates all the necessary changes in the pregnant woman’s organism. With regard to the changes in the blood vessels, you should know the following effects.

  • Progesterone makes the blood vessels more elastic and flexible, so they can better handle the increased blood inflow.
  • This increased flexibility can reduce internal pressure.
  • Blood pressure is reduced. This, in turn, is often associated with circulatory problems.

Today, we know that circulatory problems, sweating and eye fluttering usually “disappear into thin air” after the first few weeks of pregnancy. Cold sweat, low blood pressure, high pulse, sweating, and flickering eyes are therefore a thing of the past for the time being.

Sometimes there is even a slight increase in blood pressure. However, this does not mean that circulation problems are now generally a thing of the past. Rather, you should expect them throughout the entire pregnancy.


You should also be aware of this if you have circulation problems, flickering eyes, or sweating: Sometimes pregnant women have low blood pressure, sometimes high. Such fluctuations need not worry you. They are completely normal and absolutely harmless for most expectant mothers.

Stress and psychological strain of various kinds are poison for the female body during pregnancy. The result can be high blood pressure or circulatory problems, sweating, dizziness and flickering eyes.

Therefore, always pay attention to your body and try to take things as calmly as possible. A relaxed and healthy lifestyle will certainly have a positive effect on your organism during pregnancy. Your unborn child will also benefit from this relaxed, optimistic attitude. And even into old age!


Regular blood tests by your gynecologist will tell you whether you may have a nutrient deficiency. A deficit of vitamins, trace elements, minerals, etc. not only has a negative effect on the circulatory system, but can also harm your child.

However, it is not advisable to take nutritional supplements on your own. It is best to seek advice from your midwife or doctor.

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Dangerous Circulatory Problems

Pregnant women who have to stay in bed for health reasons or to protect their baby could come into contact with the so-called vena cava syndrome. You should definitely take circulatory problems of this category seriously.

For expectant mothers who have to lie in a supine position permanently, the increasing weight of their child, but also the growing uterus, can become a real burden.

In rare cases, the so-called great vena cava can be squeezed. As a consequence, some organs in the mother’s body can no longer be supplied with sufficient blood.

The vena cava syndrome is accompanied by a temporary reduction in blood flow, which can be accompanied by striking circulatory symptoms. Palpitations, severe dizziness, sweating, flickering eyes nausea and nausea are typical symptoms of this phenomenon.

Because the uterus is also not adequately supplied with blood during this phase, the child in the womb cannot be adequately supplied with oxygen and blood through the umbilical cord. Therefore, it is essential that the physician keeps a continuous eye on the baby’s vital signs.


To quickly relieve the symptoms of vena cava syndrome, it may help for you to move from the supine position to your left side. Within a few minutes, your severe circulation problems will be relieved. The flickering of the eyes and the sweating will soon be forgotten.

Circulatory Problems: This Is How You Can Prevent Them

Make sure to drink enough if you are afraid of having circulation problems. While non-pregnant women should drink about one to two liters of fluid, around three liters per day is ideal for expectant mothers.

This is the best way to keep your circulation going. You don’t have to worry about sweating or fluttering eyes if your fluid balance is stable.

Spread your light and vitamin-rich meals evenly throughout the day. Heavy food is taboo. Instead, you can fortify yourself between three and five times a day with nutrient-rich meals or snacks. In this way, you avoid strong fluctuations in your blood sugar level. Don’t forget that you are now allowed to eat for two.

Regular walks or short jogging sessions keep your circulation moving and are good for you and your baby. Swimming, cycling or hiking are also recommended. But don’t overexert yourself!

Alternating showers are a real benefit to avoid circulation problems. Start with a lukewarm shower and then take a cool shower. However, you should refrain from taking hot/cold showers, as this could strain the little dwarf in you.

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Gentle massages with a nub ball – from the soles of your feet to your head and back again – have an invigorating effect on your heart and circulation. Whether alone or a partner massage: just enjoy pampering your body so well.

Especially in the first phase of pregnancy, it is possible for the expectant mother to collapse due to circulatory problems: a significant stress factor – for her and the unborn baby. Certainly, the use of certain home remedies is highly recommended. However, you also have the option of using other methods.

Compression stockings are not really sexy. But in case of low blood pressure they work “true wonders”. If you put them on in the morning right after getting up, your legs are not yet so heavy or swollen

It is then simply easier to slip them on. Compression stockings have a stabilizing effect, they provide support and ensure that the risk of circulatory collapse is significantly reduced.

In the field of homeopathy you will find herbal preparations that are used for dizziness, circulatory problems, and sweating. However, if possible, do not obtain such remedies on your own, but seek the advice of an experienced alternative practitioner.

Your midwife will certainly know what to do and can give you valuable tips. Rosemary oil, tea tree oil, but also bergamot oil or peppermint oil are characterized by their invigorating effect.

Whether as an essence in the fragrance lamp in your room, as a pure oil that you drizzle on your temples or as a bath additive – essential oils are highly recommended for pregnant women with circulation problems.


Circulatory problems are usually part of pregnancy. Morning dizziness, nausea, but also low blood pressure, high pulse, and cold sweat on the forehead are nothing unusual. Rather, all these symptoms are an indication of how much is going on in your body now.

The development of new blood vessels, hormonal changes – this and much more is a sometimes considerable strain on the body. That’s why you should try to be as relaxed and laid-back as possible during pregnancy.

Drink enough, eat a healthy and balanced diet, exercise and simply look forward to the birth of your child. Stress and hectic, overexertion etc. are not good for your organism – and also harm the unborn baby.


The best products for you and your baby.

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A good breastfeeding pillow has several advantages, because it helps you not only to breastfeed, but also to fall asleep and is also suitable as a nest.

Diaper bags

A diaper bag offers you a lot of storage space, so that you have everything you need for your baby on the go - from the changing pad to the bottle.


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