DIY Easter Eggs – The Best Tips And Tricks

Spring is here and soon it will be Easter. Holidays are always a great time to spend time with family. Children are especially happy to be able to craft with their parents and then celebrate between the self-righteous Easter decorations. So here I’ll show you how you and your child can make great colorful Easter eggs together.

The Classic: Dyeing Easter Eggs

What is better suited as Easter decoration than Easter eggs? Easter eggs can be dyed, painted, or glued in many ways. So you and your child can let your imagination run wild. Easter eggs can be designed in different ways. Many choose to color the eggs. This can be done either with food coloring or with different foods if you like to use natural colors.

Dye Eggs Naturally


Boil two pieces of fresh beet in 3/4 liter of water. When the water has turned the red color, remove the beet and add two tablespoons of vinegar. Then put the previously cooked eggs into the broth.

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For a blue tint, simply boil the eggs in blueberry juice until the desired color is achieved. Red cabbage can also provide a great blue-purple tint.


Turmeric adds great color to any dish. Simply mix a few teaspoons of turmeric in water for half an hour and then let it simmer. When the coloring broth has cooled, place eggs in it until the desired coloring is present.


There are several alternatives for green Easter eggs. The easiest is to boil the eggs for about 30 minutes in spinach or in a nettle broth. To do this, take about 300g of spinach and cover it with water.

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Dyeing Easter eggs

Tips And Tricks:


If you prefer brighter Easter eggs, just add a little vinegar to the broth. This will give you a great pink with red cabbage, for example.

Intense Color

If you prefer strong colors, then potash or potassium carbonate will give you great results.

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How To Blow Out Eggs

It’s not just nice to find a few colorful Easter eggs on the breakfast table on Easter Sunday. Self-painted or dyed eggs are also beautiful on the Easter bouquet and last for several years. If you want to paint the eggs as decorations and maybe use them again next year, you should blow them out. Egg blowing takes a bit of finesse and is usually done by parents. The easiest way is to poke a hole in both ends of the egg with a large needle. The hole at the bottom should then be carefully enlarged. After that, you should hold the egg over a bowl and then gently blow it into the smaller hole.

Painting Or Gluing Easter Eggs

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Painting Easter eggs

To paint Easter eggs, many materials are suitable, such as decorative paints from Edding, but also nail polish or acrylic paints can be used great. It is also particularly nice to glue the eggs with glitter or with feathers. For this, the eggs are simply stuck on a skewer and sprayed with spray adhesive. Then the eggs can be dipped in glitter, decorated with feathers, or glued with yarn and sequins.

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Glue on Easter eggs

Hanging Easter Eggs

If you want to hang the Easter eggs, then you need a match or a toothpick and a thread. Tie the thread in the middle of the stick. Then insert the toothpick through the larger hole in the egg – letting the thread hang out. Next, carefully shake the egg back and forth until the stick is across the egg. now all that’s missing is a knot at the end of the thread and the Easter egg is ready to hang.

Let your creativity run wild – I wish you a great craft time with your loved ones and happy Easter!

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