Spending several days with the family, without having to work or go to school in between, marks the most beautiful time of the year. On a family vacation, everyone can finally concentrate on each other and unwind. However, this is not easy, because each family member has his or her own wishes and ideas. So the vacations quickly become a powder keg. However, this can be prevented with good preparation.
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Destinations – Huge Variety Makes For Overwhelming Demands
Families today can choose from an almost endless variety of vacation destinations. They have countless destinations from near to far at their disposal, and the on-site activities could not be more diverse. It’s no wonder that even deciding on a destination can be a challenge.
Yet, as YouGov found out in a survey, Germans have clear preferences when it comes to vacations. Families can also use them as a guide. Beach and seaside vacations are the favorite form of travel for around 45 percent of Germans. City trips account for 35 percent of the respondents, wellness vacations 19 percent and active vacations seven percent.
Especially in summer, a beach vacation can actually be very good, but hiking vacations in the mountains are undoubtedly a highlight for the whole family. It is important to choose an environment where not only the offer, but also the journey is right. Anyone going on a family vacation with small children certainly doesn’t want to spend many hours sitting on a plane, but would rather arrive quickly.
Family Vacation – What Parents Want On Vacation
But now back to the many different needs, starting with the parents. Adults often hope for relaxation and recreation from a trip. This means that they specifically look for destinations and accommodations where children can easily be kept busy. After all, this makes it easy for mom and dad to relax in a deck chair and read a book without the boredom monster causing trouble and squawking.
Especially mothers, who are strongly challenged in everyday life and have already thought about a cure once or twice, should pay attention to the relaxation factor. A vacation apartment, for example, is then less suitable than a well-equipped family hotel with appropriate leisure activities. So mothers also save things like washing up and cooking, because they are usually responsible for this on a family vacation.
Other wishes of parents on vacation sound partly cliché, but are confirmed again and again in surveys. For example, men appreciate the opportunity to do sports and eat well, while women are not averse to wellness offers and shopping opportunities. Both sexes have a preference for sightseeing on vacation.
A final point that is important to parents when traveling is spending time together as a couple. A romantic meal, walks for two or even time out in the hotel SPA do the relationship good and help love on the jump. Of course, all this works only if the children are in good hands. Special hotels with family-friendly orientation and care there are fortunately in many places worldwide and, as its.de reports, also in Germany directly.
Family Vacation – This Is What The Kids Want When They Travel
Children, that seems to be a law of nature, get bored quickly. Even on vacation, they are rarely satisfied with a beautiful view or the cozy pool lounger, but want to experience something and be entertained. A lot of work for parents who want to put together a complete vacation program themselves. No wonder it is often said that a vacation with children is not a real vacation.
The children’s program in good hotels protects against boredom. (Source: tolmacho (CC0 license)/ pixabay.com).
Also interesting:
Once again, this is the hour of the hotels. It may be true that families have somewhat less space in hotel rooms and have to adapt to a fixed framework on site, but the advantages cannot be denied. For example, a child- and family-friendly hotel usually offers a leisure program specially designed for children. Handicrafts, painting, sports and games are then often sorted according to age groups on the plan.
The advantage of such care programs is that children get another important vacation wish fulfilled at the same time: New friends. On site, even the smallest ones quickly make contacts and even away from the care they can then play together at the pool, on the playground or the meadow behind the house. For parents, this is also an opportunity to make new acquaintances and exchange ideas with other parents.
Despite all the urge for action and the like, it should not be forgotten that children also want time together with mom and dad. After all, at least one of the two often works long hours in everyday life, leaving little room for exchange and bonding. Reading, cuddling or even going on an exciting excursion together with their parents is therefore the greatest thing for children when traveling. Those who take this into account will quickly find the right balance between care, togetherness as well as family time and thus create the ideal vacation mix where no one is left out.
Find out more tips on how to make a family vacation with children more relaxing here.
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