The Five Toys I’m Throwing Away As Soon As The Kids Aren’t Looking

I think most kid’s toys are designed by Satan himself! They are always full of tiny parts (aka choking hazards), make loud, annoying noises or are just plain crap. I can’t always stop these things from entering my house, but I can definitely make sure they don’t stay around long. Of course, I have to wait until the kid’s aren’t looking…then out they go with the weekly trash (or donation bin, I’m not a complete meanie).

The Five Toys I'm Throwing Away As Soon As The Kids Aren't Looking

These are the top five toys I’m getting rid of as soon as I physically can:

Barbie shoes – Number one on my list is Barbie shoes (LINK). My poor daughters will be so mad at me one day when they realize that all those Barbie shoes they “lost” were really all my doing. Sorry, not sorry! Those things are so tiny and my little ones still put things in their mouth that they shouldn’t. One day they’ll understand it was for their own good.
Board games and puzzles – This is just me being lazy. I admit that if I (or my kids) could consistently clean up the toy mess immediately after we use a toy, then I wouldn’t mind board games and puzzles in the least. BUT, we live in the real world here, and that just doesn’t happen! Sometimes it takes a day or two to pick up the toys. And forget organization – I’m lucky if that happens every one to two months.
Musical instruments – Annoying! They’re usually not real musical instruments, so I’m not denying my kids some kind of classical musical education. If they are interested in music lessons as they get older, I’ll find them a specific class to go to. The place to learn about playing a harmonica is somewhere other than my house, #thankyouverymuch.
Stuffed animals – Just why? Sure they are cute and soft and cuddly, but they don’t DO anything but take up space. And trying to donate them is like trying to donate a used mattress or an old school TV – no one wants it. Bye bye teddy bear and giant stuffed bunny!
McDonald’s happy meal toys – Remember when I said some of this stuff is “just plain crap”? Yeah….this. I can tell they try hard to make these toys worthwhile, but they’re just not. Not to mention all the times I’ve gotten boy toys when I clearly said I needed two girls toys. Oh well! They’re good for an hour’s worth of fun. But really, I think I would just prefer a 50 cent discount on my happy meal than a throwaway plastic toy.
What I’m not going to throw away are any of our Trolls toys and our arts & crafts. We NEED those! Ok, I need those, to keep the kids occupied.
So what do you think? Am I a complete meanie mom or do you secretly get rid of annoying toys too? Be honest!
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The best products for you and your baby.

Baby monitor

With a baby monitor, you can use your time flexibly, sleep peacefully at night and still know at all times that your baby is doing well.

Nursing pillow

A good breastfeeding pillow has several advantages, because it helps you not only to breastfeed, but also to fall asleep and is also suitable as a nest.

Diaper bags

A diaper bag offers you a lot of storage space, so that you have everything you need for your baby on the go - from the changing pad to the bottle.


A pucksack gives your baby the feeling of security, like in the womb, and thus supports a peaceful and restful sleep.

Bicycle trailer

Bicycle trailers can be used in combination with a baby seat shortly after birth. They are not only safer than child seats but also more comfortable.


A playpen can be very practical in everyday life! Which model is suitable for your needs, you can read in my guide.

Baby bed

The first bed accompanies your child for years. Fortunately, there are beds that grow with your child. I have made for you on the search for the best baby beds.


A stroller is a worthwhile purchase. But there are the most diverse models on the market. Find out which is the right one.

Radiant heater

Radiant heaters provide your child with the necessary warmth when changing diapers or after bathing.

Extra bed

Side beds are very practical and offer both mother and baby a lot of advantages, because for babies, especially in the first months of life, it is reassuring to be able to sleep next to their parents.

6 thoughts on “The Five Toys I’m Throwing Away As Soon As The Kids Aren’t Looking”

  1. Check with your local police station for donating stuffed animals…officers often keep a few in the trunk to help calm little kids on scenes (car accidents, break ins, domestic violence).

  2. Consider donating the stuffed toys to your local Department of Childrens Services. As a foster parent I keep stuffed toys to give a child when they first come into our home. Many are terrified and have little or no of their own belongings, I find it gives them some small comfort.

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