Flu Or Cold: These Are The Distinguishing Features

What Do You Mean By Flu Or Cold?

The terms flu or cold are often used as synonyms, since both illnesses indicate similar symptoms symptoms. In both cases, it is about the disease of the respiratory tract. Between the flu or common cold, however, there are some distinguishing characteristics. In the case of a cold is also called a flu-like infection. In the case of influenza, on the other hand the term influenza is also used.

Flu Or Cold: What Are The Symptoms And Differences?

At first glance, the typical symptoms of flu or cold are similar.

  • Feeling Unwell.
  • Increased Temperature.
  • Aching Limbs.

At second glance, however there are some differences.

  • Level Of Fever.
  • Course Of The Disease.

Recognition Characteristics: Are You Suffering From The Flu Or The Common Cold?

Flu (Influenza)

The symptoms of the flu appear suddenly and you get a fever within a few hours. This usually sets in usually sets in quickly. At the beginning, you often suffer from a fever of over 39 degrees.

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In addition, there is usually a painful, dry cough. During the flu you can get severe headaches. In addition, you will suffer from severe muscle and limb pain. You will quickly you will quickly feel tired and debilitated during the influenza period.

Rather rare and less pronounced features in the flu are rhinitis and a stuffy nose. Also, a sore throat is unlikely.

Common Cold (Flu-Like Infection)

The symptoms of the common cold usually begin rather insidiously and may last for several days Days. You normally have an elevated temperature of up to 38 degrees Celsius.

At the beginning of the cold you often have a sore throat and a dry, irritating cough. This can until the end of your cold. In the meantime a phlegmy cough is possible. You will usually be weakened during the During the flu infection.

Another typical symptom for the flu infection are runny nose and nasal congestion. Sometimes you may also get a moderately severe headache get. Limb pain is possible, but usually less severe.

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Duration And Course Of The Flu Or Cold

The duration of flu and colds progress over a different period of time.


The flu usually lasts usually seven to 14 days. However, the period of complete recovery may take several weeks. Influenza often takes a severe course of the disease. The body and circulatory system are sometimes under great strain.

Common Cold

The common cold is usually usually overcome after seven to nine days. The typical symptoms of typical symptoms of a flu-like infection are usually less severe.

Which Pathogens Are Behind It?


The flu is caused by influenza viruses caused by influenza viruses. Chronically ill or elderly patients are at risk patients are at risk. The flu, also known as influenza, can result in serious, possibly life-threatening sequelae can result in life-threatening sequelae. For example, pneumonia or inflammation of the heart muscle can occur inflammation of the heart muscle.

Common Cold

The symptoms of a or flu-like infection with a cold, headache and aching limbs can be very Can be very annoying for you, but they are usually harmless. Behind a flu-like infection can be caused by different cold viruses. There are up to 200 different Types of viruses. Rhinoviruses play a particularly rhinoviruses play a particularly important role in a cold.

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Flu Or Cold: When Should You See A Doctor?

If you recognize some of the described, you should consult a doctor if you suspect you have a real flu. In addition, you should urgently see a doctor if you have underlying diseases such as diabetes mellitus or asthma. In case of doubt, the doctor can prescribe a suitable medication for the symptoms of the flu.

Please do not hesitate to consult the doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • Complaints of the common cold last for several days or become stronger.
  • High fever (over 39 degrees celsius) occurs quickly celsius).
  • Difficult breathing.
  • Development of unusual or very strong symptoms.

What Helps Against Your Cold Symptoms?

In the case of cold viruses, there is as yet no no therapy yet. Rarely the doctor prescribes antibiotics, because these only help against the bacteria and not against the viruses. The goal of treatment is to alleviate your and to strengthen the self-healing powers of your body. It makes sense that the doctor prescribes medicines that act against several complaints at the same time several complaints at the same time.

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Various combination preparations can relieve your pain, lower your fever and at the same time relieve congestion in your nose and sinuses Relieve congestion in the nose and sinuses.

In a short time you can feel relief from your discomfort. Medication is not always necessary for this purpose. The most important thing is that you drink enough, get fresh air, sleep a lot and rest. This will enable you to get on with your everyday life again without a care in the world.

Flu Or Cold: What You Can Do

It can be useful to distinguish between the flu and the common cold, as the two illnesses have different courses.

If you have the flu or a cold, you should take it easy. Sleeping a lot will support your immune system and give your body strength. Fresh air will do you good and stimulate your circulation. You should air your room regularly to keep your mucous membranes moist.

Make sure that you avoid stress and exertion during this time, so that you do not fall off the wagon.




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