Fruit is healthy – that is well known. Nevertheless, the sugar content in fruit is usually higher than expected. Especially if you suffer from fructose intolerance, you should watch your sugar consumption. Here you can find different types of fruit with little sugar.
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Should You Avoid Fruit?
If you want to reduce fructose or reduce your sugar consumption, you do not have to give up fruit completely you don’t have to give up fruit completely. In addition to fruits with medium and high sugar content, there are also fruits with low sugar.
In some cases, however, fructose cannot be broken down in the body because the intestines can only absorb a limited amount of fructose at a time. In this case, those affected usually suffer from fructose intolerance. To avoid stomach cramps and intestinal complaints after eating fruit, you should choose low-sugar fruits such as berries.
However, make sure you don’t give up fruit altogether. Fruits contain many important vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances that are important for your health and well-being. The German Nutrition Society therefore recommends two portions of fruit (about 250 grams) per day.
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Which Fruits Contain Little Sugar?
- Lemons And Limes
- Soft Fruits
- Watermelons
- Grapefruit
- Papaya
- Apricots
Overview: Fruits With Little Sugar
Lemons And Limes
Lemons and limes are particularly low-sugar fruits And rich in valuable vitamin C and potassium. On average, 100 grams of the Citrus fruits have an average of only about two to three grams of sugar. Since the Flesh contains a lot of citric acid, they taste exceptionally sour and are not and are not usually eaten like traditional fruit. The acidity of the lemon also helps digestion and has an antibacterial effect.
The juice of the lemons or limes can be used used in the kitchen to flavor drinks, desserts and savory dishes To flavor drinks, desserts or savory dishes. Lemons and limes are usually available at any time of the year Season to buy.
Grapefruit is another citrus fruit and a natural cross between orange and grapefruit. It contains only a few seeds. The mostly pink flesh tastes sweet and sour and slightly tart. It is also low in calories and has a relatively high vitamin C content. In addition, it provides vitamin A and various B vitamins, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. Because of the bitter substances, it also stimulates digestion.
Per 100 grams, about seven grams of sugar are expected. This means that grapefruit contains slightly less sugar than oranges (nine grams) or tangerines (ten grams).
Berry Fruit
Berries also belong to the fruit with little sugar and are also low in calories. 100 grams of berries contain only about 30 to 50 calories. Berry fruit is rich in valuable vitamins A and C. In addition, they also contain valuable antioxidants and minerals, such as the iron in raspberries.
Contain particularly little sugar blackberries. At 100 grams, one assumes only about three grams of sugar. But also fresh raspberries, currants, blueberries and strawberries have only between four and variety only between four and six grams of sugar.
Furthermore, the plant pigments of the berries have a health-promoting effect. In general, the darker the fruit, the more of the secondary plant more of the secondary plant substance is contained. This has anti-inflammatory and is said to strengthen the immune system.
As a rule, soft fruits are harvested in the summer months, but you can also buy monthly strawberries or autumn raspberries in the fall, for example.
The watermelons or sugar melons, as well as honeydew melons or cantaloupe melons belong to the fruits of the cucurbit family. They consist of 85 to 95 percent of water and are generally quite low in calories. The sweet flesh of melons contains only about six grams of sugar per 100 grams. Melons ripen in a warm, bright and protected place usually from July/August.
They are rich in vitamins A and C and therefore good for skin and hair. The seeds are also healthy, because in addition to vitamins A and C they contain proteins, unsaturated fatty acids and magnesium. The amino acid contained in the fruit is converted into arginine in the body. This vasodilator and can reduce the risk of high blood pressure lower. Furthermore, watermelons provide the mineral potassium. This is important for numerous bodily functions.
The papaya, also tree melon tastes sweet when ripe, but contains relatively little sugar. It originates from southern Central America and belongs to the berry fruit of a tree-like plant. Depending on the variety, the flesh is light yellow or orange to salmon red in color. 100 grams of papaya have about seven grams of sugar. Since this exotic fruit is low in sugar, it is often recommended for those with fructose intolerance.
Apricots belong to the stone fruit and usually ripen in July. They provide some valuable nutrients and vitamins. For example, the fruits contain B vitamins and vitamin C, as well as phosphorus, Calcium, potassium and carotene (provitamin A). The latter is converted by our body into vitamin A.
The flesh of the Apricot is soft and juicy. When eaten freshly harvested, they have a medium sugar content a medium sugar content. 100 grams of apricots contain about 7.7 grams of Of sugar.
However, they are a real sugar bomb when dried. It is estimated that they contain about 43 grams of sugar per 100 grams. In general, it is better to consume smaller quantities of dried fruit.
Fruit With Medium Sugar Content
- Cherries: 100 grams about 8 grams of sugar.
- Peach and Nectarine: 100 grams about 8 grams of sugar.
- Oranges: 100 grams about 9 grams of sugar.
- Kiwi: 100 grams about 9 grams of sugar.
Fruits With High Sugar Content
- Grapes: 100 grams about 16 grams of sugar.
- Bananas: 100 grams about 17 grams of sugar.
- Persimmon: 100 grams about 16 grams of sugar.
- Mango: 100 grams about 12 grams of sugar.
- Pears and Apples: 100 grams about 10 grams of sugar.
- Pineapple: 100 grams about 10 grams of sugar.
- Figs: 100 grams about 13 grams of sugar.
- Tangerines: 100 grams about 11 grams of sugar.
Low Sugar Diet
Fruit used to be considered the The healthiest thing in the world. However, with the realization of how much sugar some fruits, this image has been revised somewhat. Although you should not consume particularly sweet fruits in large quantities, but fruit is undoubtedly part of a balanced diet.
Because in addition to sugar vitamins, nutrients, dietary fiber and phytochemicals. These promote health and, according to the german can even reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.