For countless women, it is the greatest happiness in the world when they discover that they are pregnant. But as great as the happiness maybe for a woman personally, some still need some time to be able to announce this fact to their environment. It is up to the prospective mother to decide when to announce her pregnancy to the outside world. There are some tricks she can use to keep her pregnancy secret until then.
How do I tell those around me? Sometimes it is not so easy to announce the upcoming baby happiness.
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A Little Pregnant
At the beginning of a pregnancy the first signs often still very tentative. Morning sickness, slightly tense breasts, a slight pulling in the groin – until a woman consciously notices a pregnancy, some time passes. Even if the miracle of fertilization has already taken place inside a woman, not much can be seen externally in the first trimester, i.e. the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.
Usually, the absence of menstruation is a very clear indication of a possible pregnancy. The most common method to subsequently determine a pregnancy is a pregnancy test. To be absolutely sure, every woman should have a check-up with a gynecologist.
If the result is clear, there is hopefully much reason to rejoice! Nevertheless, some women have good reasons to keep the sweet secret even further to themselves. Whether for professional or private reasons, has a few useful tips compiled, which can help to conceal still some time the pregnancy.
Hiding Pregnancy – The Best Excuses For Hiding It
Some rules of conduct immediately come into force as soon as a woman is expecting a child. These include abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes, heavy physical work, and wild debauched parties. If you are well integrated socially and also still go to work full time, there are some situations in which a good excuse is then helpful to camouflage the behavioral changes:
Hiding Pregnancy – Suddenly Giving Up Alcohol
Before you always enjoyed a glass of wine and now nothing goes? There are many nice cover-up options here:
- You’re on a diet and now you’re giving up the calorie bombs.
- Self is the woman – you always get the drinks yourself at the bar and provide an inconspicuous non-alcoholic drink.
- You have to take certain medications and are therefore not allowed to drink alcohol.
- Responsible – You still want to go home by car.
- You have a sudden histamine intolerance and can’t drink wine anymore.
Hiding Pregnancy – Suddenly A Non-smoker
For every good reason to stop smoking, you can actually be happy. Other good arguments for it can be:
- You lost a bet and stop smoking and drinking from now on.
- Better late than never – you’re finally making good on your New Year’s resolution.
- You want to get pregnant and stop smoking right now.
- You have received a recommendation from your doctor to stop smoking urgently.
Hiding Pregnancy – Masking Pregnancy Nausea
Every morning a clear nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting – there can be a food poisoning, a hangover or a gastrointestinal infection as an explanation. Also, the fact that you can no longer tolerate dairy products.
Hiding Pregnancy – No More Going Out
In order not to have to show conspicuously different celebration behavior at debauched parties, you can always pretend to be too tired, to feel sickly or to do something important at home.
Hiding Pregnancy – Concealing The Belly
To cover up the first bulge of pregnancy, you can conceal with loose clothes and consistently distract from the belly by emphasizing other areas. New A-line or empire dresses are just the latest trend that you find dead chic.
Hide Pregnancy – No More Heavy Lifting
A slipped disc or sprain is always a good reason to stop lifting certain things.
A Positive Pregnancy Test: The Moment That Realigns Your Whole Life
From The Accident To The Desired Child
The moment a pregnancy test comes back positive, anything can happen – from unspeakable happiness to serious misgivings. Not every successful fertilization results in a desired child. Some women whose life plans are completely disrupted by a child therefore decide to terminate the pregnancy.
According to surveys by the German Federal Statistical Office about 101,200 women had an abortion in 2017 – an increase of 2.5 percent compared to the previous year. Most of them (72 percent) were between 18 and 34 years old. The ratio here was 58 abortions per 10,000 women, or just 0.58 percent.
Having children is not just a bed of roses. There are many aspects of motherhood that are less enjoyable and which no one has ever heard of before. For every newly pregnant woman, the first period in particular is full of doubts, fears or concerns – and sometimes full of unclear signs.
Unnoticed Pregnant Until Birth – How Does It Work?
If the pregnancy signs are not really strong at the beginning, it can happen to some women that they do not even notice their pregnancy for months. It also happens again and again that some mothers even do not notice anything about their child in the belly until the birth. This happens more often than you might think: since there is no nationwide obligation to report this, estimates put the number of women who overlook their pregnancy for many months at around 1,500 a year. Almost 300 mothers do not even notice this until the birth.
Such figures generally always cause great astonishment. Especially when it comes to very young women or even teenagers, great inexperience plays a major role, which is also mixed with the fact that the environment and parents should not notice anything. Thus scientists speak of a repressed pregnancy, when a woman denies her condition until at least the 20th pregnancy. She usually has good reasons for this.
What should not be, is not perceived: Especially when the first signs of pregnancy fail to appear and even menstruation continues, it is as if the body is using a trick. Not every pregnancy is clearly welcome – after all, with a child the whole life changes. Some midwives even report pregnancy phobias and the fears that come with it.
Ultimately, pregnancy is always an uncertain phase full of doubts and fears about the future, sometimes with difficult physical symptoms. The main thing is that in the end a healthy child is born and you can finish with all the worries in advance because of happiness.