How Tall Will My Child Be? How To Find Out The Expected Size Of Your Child

How big will my child grow? This is indeed a question that many moms and dads ask themselves. After all, the question “How tall will my child be?” also involves worries, doubts, fears, and hopes to a certain extent. Namely in the sense that parents naturally wish that everything will be fine with their little treasure with regard to physical and thus also health aspects. Thus, a size chart for children can be very useful to find out more about the healthy development of your child.

How Tall Will My Child Be? – This Is Why This Question Is So Important From A Parent’s Point Of View

Will my child possibly be short? Or tall? Or will we be lucky and our little treasure will grow up normally and correspond to the average age-conforming child sizes? These definitely fear that many parent couples have. Certainly, the expected size of a child usually depends on the size of the parents. On the other hand, experience has also shown that parents of small stature have given birth to children of normal stature. Nevertheless, there are normal-sized mothers and fathers with tall or short-sized children.

Calculating The Child Size With A Size Chart – It’s Very Easy

How fast will my child grow? Do the children’s sizes possibly deviate from the norm? How tall will my child be? What is the meaning of the so-called femur length and what is meant when experts talk about the percentile? Questions upon questions, all of which revolve around one thing: How tall will my child be? And this guide article provides you with the answers.

The Answer To The Question “How Tall Will My Child Be?”

Do you ask yourself the question “How tall will my child be?” Are you possibly worried that your child’s size in adolescence or adulthood will differ from other children’s sizes? To get rid of any existing doubts and probing questions with regard to the expected size of your child and to get certainty, you can use a size chart for children. These are practical growth calculators on the Internet, which work on the basis of current children’s sizes and can be very helpful for all parents.

Size Chart For Children Provides The Answer To The Question “How Tall Will My Child Be”

A size chart for children basically works quite simply. You just need some basic data for such a size chart for kids to find out the expected size of your child:

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– The gender of your baby
– The current age
– The current height of your child in centimeters
– The height of the parents


The children’s sizes, which can be determined with the help of the size chart for children, usually do not provide precise values, but the expected size of your child is rather given as a guideline. It is, therefore, possible that the body sizes deviate by several centimeters up or down.

Why Are Estimated Child Sizes So Important?

First of all, the doctor determines the child’s size while the baby is still in the womb. During almost every ultrasound examination, both the head circumference and the crown-rump length are measured. Especially when the child has seen the light of day, these body sizes play a role. The so-called percentile or femur length also comes into focus.

Healthy Development Is Often Determined On The Basis Of Body Sizes

A child-size chart can quickly answer the question, “How tall will my child be?” Your baby is growing and growing. With each passing day, it gains weight and height. This is a very crucial indication that it is developing properly and in accordance with its age. This aspect plays a very essential role from the point of view of loving mothers and fathers.

In this regard, head circumference, body size, and weight are mainly those parameters that the medical professional needs to conceptualize the growth curves. Based on these, it is easy to see whether your child is developing healthily and appropriately for his or her age, or whether there may be developmental problems in this regard. Among other things, growth curves are interpreted on the basis of percentiles.

What Are Percentile Curves?

If you are asking yourself, “How tall will my child be?” then you should know the meaning of what is known as percentiles. It is a unit of measurement that is relevant in medical statistics. It is indispensable during pregnancy as well as beyond, in order to know the development of child sizes already in the womb as well as after birth.

Percentile Curves – Meaningful Values When It Comes To Body Sizes

To determine the expected body sizes, so-called percentile curves are used, which are calculated on the basis of specific comparison collectives. Thus, body heights and weights are given as percentile curves, and these values are set in relation to the values of their peers in each case. The percentile curve indicates the following:

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If the height of a one-year-old child is at the 10th percentile, this means the following: 90 percent of all children the age of the boy or girl being examined are taller and possibly heavier. 10 percent, on the other hand, are smaller and lighter than the child in question.

A child’s height, head circumference, and weight are probably the most important basic values for finding out whether your little treasure is developing in line with his or her age and gender. The values generated during the respective measurement form the basis of the so-called growth curves, which are drawn up by the pediatrician. These growth curves are read and interpreted using the percentiles. The percentiles are displayed in the form of graphs. The height and weight of the child are represented in numbers: 3, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, and 97, with the largest percentile value being 97 and the smallest being 3.

Important For Answering The Question: “How Tall Will My Child Be?”

If the generated value is in the middle between the percentile arcs, this is nothing unusual. A mean value below percentile 25 tells you that a quarter of children of the same age and gender as your baby are the same weight or height. On the other hand, 75 percent of the children are heavier or taller than your baby. This aspect is not a cause for concern at first. What is more important is the continuity of the examinations and the data that emerge in the course of them.


The goal is never for a baby to reach the highest percentile possible or for the weight and height values to always be in the middle of the percentile scale. The fact is that every child has a very individual physical constitution and a very specific growth rhythm. However, it is very important that the values determined for your little treasure always remain at the same percentile value and that there are no drastic deviations in the further course of the growth curve – neither upwards nor downwards.

Possible deviations, stagnations, or rapid changes could be an indication that the child’s physical or health development may be disturbed during the period in question. As soon as corresponding data are recorded, a specific examination of the values takes place. Thus, it is indispensable to conduct several examinations in order to obtain a large amount of data. Only on this basis is it possible from a medical point of view to make a precise diagnosis.

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Femur Length As A Basis For Answering The Question: “How Tall Will My Child Be?”

Your child is growing and growing. Slowly but surely, it will have reached a size in the womb that makes it difficult for the gynecologist to determine the exact size of the baby with the help of an ultrasound examination alone. Then the time has come when the so-called femur length comes into play. This is a very reliable value with regard to the body sizes of unborn children.

Basis For The Size Table Of Children – The Femur Length

The femur length (FE) is the length of your baby’s thigh bone. From this value, the physician can draw conclusions about the body sizes of children. Calculating the body size of babies with the help of the femur length value is simple: the femur length multiplied by the number seven indicates the current size of the unborn child in the womb.

How big will my child be? Answering the question about the approximate total size of a child is important for parents. In addition, the femur length value is also used to determine any health problems or developmental disorders. For example, a femur that is too short – this is known as the soft marker – can be an indication of a possible chromosomal disorder. This means that trisomy 21 may be present. However, it is also a fact that the femur length value alone is by no means conclusive. Rather, if a possible developmental disorder is suspected, the physician must perform further examinations in order to be able to make a more precise statement.

Further Measurements For The Erudition Of Possible Developmental Disorders Are:

– The ultrasound ABC is the complement of the femur length value examination and is intended to provide further information on body sizes in unborn babies.
– Anterior-posterior diameter (APD) determination refers to the measurement of the diameter of the abdomen from the back.
– Abdominal Transverse Diameter (ATD) is the measurement of the diameter of the abdomen below the heart of the baby.
– Abdominal circumference (AU) refers to the measurement of the abdominal circumference as another guide to answering the question, “How big will my baby be?”.
– The diameter of the head – the biparietal diameter – means the measurement of the distance between the two lateral bones of the baby’s skull.
– Measuring the circumference of the head (KU) is also relevant when answering the question “How tall will my child be?”.

How Big Will My Child Be? It Is Not Only Possible To Find Out In The Womb

When the little one finally sees the light of day and grows bigger and stronger with time, it is a real joy for parents. Even little things give mothers and fathers pleasure when it comes to their offspring. But sometimes there are noticeable things that raise questions. What if the child has apparently very large feet or hands? In many cultural circles, this is an indication that the boys and girls in question will grow to be particularly large or even tall. But is this really the case?

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The Formula For Determining Body Sizes After Birth- How Tall Will My Child Be?

The early measurement of children’s heights provides information about the development of children – while they are still in the womb as well as after their birth. With this formula it is possible to calculate the expected body sizes of boys and girls after birth:

Relevant values to calculate expected child sizes are first and foremost the heights of father and mother in centimeters. That’s all it takes to answer the question, “How tall will my child be?”

If the boy’s dad is 186 cm tall and the mother’s height is 170 cm, the result is 356 cm. Divided by the number 2, that’s 178 cm. Now add the value 6.5 to this result. This means that your child will most likely be 184.5 cm tall.

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A precise value calculation is not possible with this formula. However, the maximum deviation from the result is +/- 5 cm.

For girls, a slightly different formula is used: Here, the value 6.5 cm is not added but subtracted from the total height of the parents.


The father is 186 cm tall, and the mother is 170 cm. If you divide their total height of 356 cm by 2, you get 178 cm. From this result, you now subtract 6.5 cm, which gives a height of 171.5 cm for the girl. This can also result in a difference of +/- 5 cm. This means that the girl can be either 176.5 cm or 166.5 cm tall.


Using a size chart to determine children’s body sizes is very simple. The nice thing is that only a few basic values are needed for this. Another advantage of a size chart for children’s body sizes is that they are easy to use generally provide quite reliable results. At the same time, you should take into account that the generated sizes will never be absolutely precise. But the guideline values with a view to the generated children’s sizes already represent very solid assistance for parents who want to know: “How tall will my child be?”.

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