How To Make The Sleepover Of Little Friends A Success

“Mommy, can my new girlfriend sleep over tomorrow?” Parents should get used to this wish of their offspring in good time. From around the age of four, children want to spend the night with their friends. This adventure promises to allow them to stay up late, tell each other stories, and share secrets in the dark.

But are parents prepared for such a visit? What to do to make the little guests feel comfortable? Even though it may only be for one night, it’s crucial to set up a comfortable place for them to sleep in the unfamiliar surroundings so that any possible homesickness is alleviated.

“It is important that the friends sleep in one room, so that the little heroes are not afraid at night,” says Udo Groene, CEO of the children’s furniture manufacturer PAIDI and himself a father of three children.

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Table of contents

When The Little Ones Grow Up…

From kindergarten age, little ones want to spend as much time as possible with their friends. Spending the night together is an extraordinary experience for them and strengthens friendship. The kids want to discover new things and begin to distance themselves from their parents. For graduate psychologist Helga Gürtler, author of guidebooks such as “How to make my child self-confident,” this is a normal process: “Sleeping over somewhere else is a big step toward independence and autonomy from parents.” Sleeping over at a friend’s house for the first time is an important event for children, because now they are already ‘big’. Gürtler knows that such an experience makes the offspring proud and self-confident. But to ensure that the overnight visit is a lot of fun, the host parents have to create the right conditions. Ideally, the room furnishings should be designed with future overnight stays by friends of the protégé in mind.

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Overnight Stay With Feel-Good Atmosphere

The children’s and youth furniture manufacturer PAIDI, for example, has thought about the overnight accommodation requirements of offspring and designed loft beds, play beds and bunk beds under which either a cuddly den for the little adventurers or even a second sleeping place can be set up. This can be transformed into a sofa during the day and used for romping, reading and resting.

Or you can opt for a space-saving bunk bed right from the start. Then it’s no problem if two friends stay overnight, as the optional bed base can serve as storage. With its standard dimensions, this sleeping area offers space for little visitors together with their plush playmates and other aids for falling asleep. And after the visit, everything is quickly tidied up again.

In any case, the guest bed should be cuddly so that brave pirates can retire to sleep after the treasure hunt or little princesses can drift off into sweet dreams. Those who are far from tired can whisperingly exchange secrets among best friends.

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A Night Without The Parents

Many parents are rather apprehensive about their offspring’s desire to spend the night: Will my offspring be okay with the acquaintances? But host parents also worry in the face of additional responsibility.

But for all their worries, children have to make their own experiences.

To ensure that the first overnight visit goes well, a few things should be taken into account. It is important for the young children to experience familiar bedtime rituals with the host parents, such as being read stories or listening to radio plays. For many toddlers it is helpful to bring a cuddly toy or their own pillow to create a familiar environment.

In a strange house, everything is different – especially at night, unfamiliar noises can frighten even the bravest. Therefore, remember to have a source of light that gently illuminates the room or creates points of orientation. But the most important thing of all: fathers and mothers must be able to pick up their child at any time – at least during the first overnight stays away from home.

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