Movement Games For Children – That’s Why They Are So Important

Movement games for kids literally get the lives of little and big kids moving. Through games for kids of various kinds, the boys and girls have the opportunity to discover the world, learn about their own limits and constantly expand their horizons in the process. In fact, movement contributes significantly to the healthy development of children.

With a view to physical, mental and psychosocial development, outdoor and indoor games are thus indispensable. The problem, however, is that new media as well as computer technologies are playing an increasingly important role in today’s society. Active games for children thus increasingly fall into the background.

Active Games For Children For More Cohesion And Fun

Children and young people prefer to engage with online games, game consoles or with the computer at home. In addition, the television program plays a central role in modern children’s and young people’s rooms.

In view of this development, physical activity games are steadily taking a back seat. The interest in movement or sporting activity is being lost more and more – and the development of the dear little ones is also increasingly threatening to drift in a direction that adults do not like.

So there is a great danger that, from the point of view of children and young people, the virtual world is far more exciting and attractive than children’s games or general activities in the fresh air – in the real world.

The Consequences Of Lack Of Exercise

Staring at a screen for hours on end, with only the fingers moving the joystick or various buttons on consoles. This is what “exercise games for kids” look like in many children’s and teenagers’ rooms today. In the long run, this lack of movement can lead to motor deficits.

Experts have found out, for example, that children who hardly do any sports or are physically inactive lose important skills sooner or later. Among other things, they can no longer walk backward or they “unlearn” how backward movements work.

They also find it difficult to balance. Physical strength diminishes, not to mention endurance. And when it comes to doing a somersault, many children who don’t know or complete movement games often don’t even know how to accomplish it.

Compared to children from previous generations, there are often striking differences in the physical abilities of small and large children. This is a sometimes frightening development, which can be counteracted by cool and varied games for children.

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Who Does Not Make Movement Games For Children, Loses The Joy In It

Lack of exercise inevitably leads to the above-mentioned physical deficits over time. In addition, muscle tissue is weakened, so fitness also deteriorates. As a consequence, kids lose the joy of sports or the fun of exercise in general.

Frustration arises when they also discover that they can no longer keep up with other boys and girls – for example in school or club sports. But that’s not all.

Parents who allow their offspring to spend hours in front of the PC or TV do not always pay attention to a healthy diet, as experience shows. This is certainly not only due to a lack of attention, but also due to work commitments.

Many mothers and fathers have full-time jobs or several part-time jobs, so there is simply not enough time to provide a diet rich in vitamins and minerals day after day.

Wrong Diet And Consoles Instead Of Children’s Games And Fun

Children and adolescents like to reach for food rich in carbohydrates, so that – in addition to the lack of exercise – obesity is a logical consequence. Hamburgers, French fries with mayo and ketchup, plus sweet sodas: Fast food is proven to make you fat, the nutrient content is low, and the satiety effect does not last long.

As a result, as soon as hunger returns, kids usually choose the delicacies from the fast food joint or the burger chain around the corner. Overweight makes people sluggish in the long run, and over time this leads to a decline in the desire to play games for children.

A diet rich in vitamins and minerals, on the other hand, keeps you fit, promotes enthusiasm for exercise games for kids – and it’s good for your general well-being all around.


High-carbohydrate diets are not generally negative. On the contrary, there are also wholesome carbohydrates that are an enrichment for the daily menu due to their fiber content. Here we are talking about legumes, potatoes and whole grains, among others.

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Setting A Good Example – Children’s Games With A High Fun Factor

Parents who enjoy doing sports regularly usually pass on their enthusiasm for exercise games for children directly to their offspring. The joy of sporting activity is transferred directly to the children.

And so it’s not surprising that kids are far more interested in playing kids’ games or doing sports. Moms and dads who, on the other hand, tend to be “sports muffleheads” also usually transfer this inclination directly to their children.

Parents who prefer to spend their time on the couch or in front of the TV should therefore bear in mind that their offspring are unlikely to become well-trained “sportsmen” either.

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This is in the nature of things, because boys and girls always “learn” from their role models – their parents. Because what the grown-ups do, the little ones naturally imitate. A change in thinking is therefore called for. Adults who want the best possible development for their children are therefore well advised to act as role models and set the best example.

Be Active As Early As Possible

Of course, this does not mean that mothers and fathers who were not previously exercise enthusiasts should suddenly start doing sports several times a week or join the local sports club.

Rather, it is enough for them to lovingly guide their offspring from an early age and get them excited about movement and activity through outdoor and indoor games. In the first years of their lives, children still orient themselves primarily to their parents.

It is only at a later age that the actions and opinions of classmates and friends become more important. The influence of parents decreases. It is therefore essential to set the course for an active and sporty childhood at an early age.

Not because the aim is to achieve top sporting performance, but solely because children’s games are demonstrably good for the body, mind and soul.

Games For Children For Indoors And Outdoors

For these reasons, movement games for children are important:

  • Kids games promote motor skills.
  • Games for kids prevent obesity.
  • Games for outdoors and indoors help prevent dyslipidemia.
  • Exercise is fundamental with regard to reducing the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Sports and exercise promote social skills.
  • Exercise games support mental and physical performance.
  • Children’s games prevent frustration and reduce negative energy or stress

Movement games for children can be integrated into everyday life in an informal way or planned and carried out in a targeted manner. In this respect, mothers and fathers are flexible in what they do and benefit from a wide range of “education and exercise”.

If you start taking walks with your child at an early stage, this activity will quickly become routine. Just 20 minutes a day is enough to push the metabolism and increase overall well-being.

If you have a dog at home, then the little pelt-nose will certainly also be happy about the regular change. In addition, you can start taking your offspring on bike rides or jogging around the block.

Integrate Children’s Games Into Everyday Life

If you are already actively shaping everyday life with your children through exercise games for kids, you have already laid a promising foundation for their good development. In addition, you can regularly plan leisure activities that are fun and that also strengthen cohesion within the family.

It doesn’t always have to be exercise games that get you out of breath. Instead, use the time together to go cycling, inline skating or for a few laps on the kick scooter. If the amount of exercise in this regard is about an hour a day, that’s ideal.

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Two to three times a week, you can also play games or sports activities with children that will make you break a sweat. Maybe you go to the municipal indoor swimming pool together and swim a few laps.

Or you can sign up for a sports club of your choice. It’s also a great idea to take trips to a nearby adventure park and have small competitions within the family on the climbing wall or in the action area.

Great Games For Kids Don’t Have To Cost Anything

Movement games are absolutely recommended for your child’s development. However, that doesn’t mean you have to dig deep into your pocket to buy expensive playground equipment or invest in a playground in your backyard.

Rather, it is possible to get creative “on your own” and make play and exercise utensils from everyday objects or from what nature has to offer.


Getting active together with the children and crafting imaginative play ideas strengthens the bond between big and small and promotes overall family cohesion.

Easily Integrate Great Movement Games For Kids Into Everyday Life

Games of tag or hide-and-seek, where children run and romp, are a real enrichment to everyday family life. Whether indoors or outdoors, children simply enjoy it when parents engage with them and spend valuable time with them.

Build an obstacle course out of stones, with sticks or from old cardboard boxes. Boys and girls love to have little competitions with the grown-ups and even “beat” mom and dad in the process! Instead of turning on the TV, creative movement games for kids are a great idea.


Spending many hours in front of the TV or the PC – this is not really recommended for small, nor for older kids. Instead, you should follow these guidelines with a view to child development:

  • Boys and girls under 6 should spend no more than half an hour a day watching TV or playing on the PC.
  • Kids between the ages of 6 and 12 should ideally spend no more than one hour a day in front of the TV or PC.
  • Kids 12 and older should spend no more than two hours per day in front of the computer or on the game console.

Games For Outdoors And Indoors

Balloons are the perfect utensils for children’s games. They are great for games for kids of all ages. First, mark out a small path and position two or three obstacles on it. Then the family members get together in pairs and each get a balloon in their hands too far.

Put their heads together and place the balloon against each other’s foreheads, making sure it can’t fall down. Equipped in this way, you walk together – each with another couple – along the previously marked path.

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As soon as the balloon falls to the ground, you have to start over, while the opposing couple continues to try to reach the goal. Whoever arrives first can next determine which part of the body the balloon will be placed on.


Rhythmic music makes the balloon game even more fun!

Already in the morning after getting up you can start a pillow fight of a special kind with the whole family. Put the furniture aside and sit in a circle in the room with your hands behind you on the carpet or laminate.

Make sure your feet are in the air. Grab a pillow and place it on the shin of the person you want to start the pillow fight with. This person carefully passes the pillow to the next family member.

However, the feet must not touch the pillow. The goal of the pillow fight game is to pass the pillow around the circle without it touching the floor. The faster the pace, the greater the risk that the pillow will fall. At the same time, however, the fun level inevitably increases!

Also try to kick the pillow to the opposite person by pushing it with your legs. Of course, it must not touch the ground.

Whatever children’s games or sports activities – in principle, games for children can always be adapted to the age group of the players. It’s worth getting creative and letting your imagination run wild.

Games For Outdoors And Indoors

Games for children are always accompanied by a lot of good humor. “Along the way”, the dexterity of the little ones is promoted and creative thinking is supported. Try to integrate children’s games into everyday life as regularly as possible.

Certainly, such an undertaking often becomes a certain challenge in view of professional and school commitments. In order to find enough time to play the games for children and have fun within the family, you could use a family calendar in which each member enters his or her “favorite times”.

Based on these favorite times, it will be easier to set aside a few days each week for “fixed dates” when you will play games for children. It is worthwhile to plan movement games for children together and to approach the new ideas as a team.

Good advance planning of movement games for children is not only beneficial in the short term, but the little ones will benefit from it in the long term. It teaches them to organize things early on and to take a stand for something that is important to them.


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With a baby monitor, you can use your time flexibly, sleep peacefully at night and still know at all times that your baby is doing well.

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A good breastfeeding pillow has several advantages, because it helps you not only to breastfeed, but also to fall asleep and is also suitable as a nest.

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A diaper bag offers you a lot of storage space, so that you have everything you need for your baby on the go - from the changing pad to the bottle.


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