Periods After Pregnancy – When Regular Again?

Some get their periods back quite quickly after pregnancy, others very irregularly, sometimes heavier than usual, others lighter. When your period starts again after pregnancy depends on many factors. Women who are fully breastfeeding usually do not get their period again until after a year. Women who do not breastfeed, on the other hand, can get their periods regularly again about six weeks after pregnancy. However, this does not mean that they really come and then also regularly. It takes a while for the female body to settle down again and for the period to start regularly after pregnancy.

Periods After Pregnancy: What Happens In Your Body

The period does not start again immediately after the birth of the baby. For some women, it may return after a few weeks, and for others, it may not return for a year. Often women can expect them regularly again after giving birth, while other moms get their periods very lightly after pregnancy and also very irregularly. The period can be very strong, also weaker, or even more or less painful than before. At first, nothing is usual and it takes some time until your body is the old one again. After the birth, the tissue of the uterus forms back again, the hormone balance is still a little crazy and must first settle again. Normally, ovulation can theoretically start again about three weeks after delivery. It can then take another two weeks for your period to return. Therefore, it would be possible for you to get your period back as early as six weeks after pregnancy. But this does not always have to be the case.

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Period After Pregnancy: The Lochia

During childbirth, the placenta detaches from the uterine wall, leaving a wound. This heals the coming weeks after birth and can therefore cause bleeding, which is also called lochia. This postpartum flow can last from three to six weeks. Women who have already had more than one pregnancy can have this lochia even much longer. This is because, after each pregnancy, the uterus always takes a little longer to contract again. Initially, the postpartum flow is somewhat light red, then it becomes brownish, yellowish, and then white. Women who have their babies delivered by cesarean section can expect their periods to start much faster after pregnancy. The wound heals much faster with a C-section than if the baby is born naturally.

Period After Pregnancy: Breastfeeding Delays The Period

If a mom breastfeeds after giving birth, it can still throw off her hormone balance a bit and contribute to her period not starting until a year after giving birth. This is because breastfeeding releases prolactin, which influences the formation of milk, but is also responsible for slowed egg maturation. For this reason, many moms who breastfeed at least four times a day do not get their periods after giving birth. But this is not a protection that a woman cannot get pregnant again. Therefore, it is also recommended to use contraception again after giving birth. However, when breastfeeding, you should make sure that the contraceptive method does not release progestin and thus affect the formation of milk. Therefore, contraceptives such as condoms, diaphragms, and also IUDs are suitable. There are many others that may be suitable for you, so it is best to consult your gynecologist for detailed advice.

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