Plaster Cast Of The Baby Bump: Instructions For A Wonderful Memory

The plaster cast of the pregnancy belly is unique and a beautiful memory of the time together with the baby. We tell you how it works.

Plaster Cast Of The Baby Belly: What Is Needed?

  • A good greasy cream, oil or petroleum jelly with which you should apply a really thick cream, so that nothing itches and the plaster comes off well later.
  • About six plaster bandages, e.g. from the pharmacy. About 12 cm wide and 2 m long, mam can cut them yourself, as you need them.
  • A bowl with pleasantly lukewarm water.
  • Various towels and Zewa or similar, it will be greasy and crumbly.
  • A good room temperature and a comfortable chair or bed (you need patience and easily get cold).
  • Regenerative cream for post cast care treatment.

Plaster Cast Of The Baby Bump: How To Do It!


Best towards the end of pregnancy, then it is already really big. So be patient until at least the 34th SSW. Or: Make plaster casts in a certain rhythm from the beginning and document the growing baby bump.


Now cut plaster bandages to fit. So quietly cut a little “measure”. Sections with a length of approx. 4-7 cm are best suited.


From the décolleté to the end of the abdomen (i.e. the pubic border), plaster the wet plaster bandages piece by piece and smooth the plaster so that the grooves of the plaster bandage are almost invisible.


Unfortunately, this must now dry for about 30 minutes before you can take it off again. It is best to cover it well during this time or, if necessary, heat it a little, then it will be faster and warmer.
Afterwards: Remove and let dry again.
After removing the bust/plaster cast of the baby bump, let it dry well again for at least one day and then you can put it up nicely or decorate it further with creative paintings or an ultrasound photo, etc.

Tips And Hints

  • Put on disposable panties or cotton briefs.
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