I have so many things to do, it seems it is just not possible to get them all done in one day. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with all the things I need to do that I just shut down and stop trying. Because honestly it seems like sometimes I just try and fail. Don’t give up! If your daily To Do list is too overwhelming to think about, then don’t start SMALLER, start BIGGER.
Do you struggle with your Daily To Do list?
Look at the month ahead. What are the 10 most important things for you to get done that month. A month is a long time – you can get a lot done in a month. More than you think you can! Write down your Top 10 goals for the month ahead. These should be BIG goals, not just doing the laundry or the dishes.
But also don’t make them SO BIG that you know they just won’t happen. For example, don’t write “Clean your whole house.” You know that probably won’t happen and it will just make you upset that you couldn’t complete your goal. Instead focus on one or two BIG things you know you can achieve.
So #1 on your list might be “Clean the kitchen from top to bottom” and #2 might be “Vacuum the entire house once a week.”
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To help you set these goals, I created 12 printable monthly goal sheets with only 10 goals each month and a positive message at the bottom. I love how they turned out and I am so happy to share them with you.
These goal sheets are absolutely free when you join my email list. Plus you get access to every single printable available on PracticalMommy.com, all in one convenient place – The Practical Printable Club.
Here are just a few of the printable pages available: