Start Of The Fasting Month Ramadan

For all Muslims all over the world Ramadan, the month of fasting, begins today, Tuesday. The observance of this fasting month is one of the most important commandments of Islam. Of course, the Muslim people who live here in Germany also observe it.

Much Is Renounced

Believing Muslims do without many things during the fasting month of Ramadan. Thus in this month during the day nothing is drunk and eaten and also not smoked. Much time in the day is spent reading in the Koran much more than is usually the case. There are also very special prayers for this time. This is somewhat comparable to the fasting period of Christians before Easter. The beginning of Ramadan is never at the same time, because it is based on the Islamic lunar calendar. This means that Ramadan always starts about two weeks earlier than it did last year. This year, Ramadan ends on July 16. For Muslims, this day is also one of the highest and most important holidays of all. After the end of the fasting month, there are three days of celebrations and lots of sweets as gifts for the children. That is why this holiday is also called Eid.

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Food Is Served When It Is Dark

The fasting month of Ramadan is one of the five most important commandments in Islam. In this month, all people with this faith should fast. Women who are pregnant, children, sick people, people who have to work very hard and also soldiers do not have to observe Ramadan. All others of the more than one billion people who believe in Islam fast during this time. But this month is also a time for socializing. Because as soon as it has become dark, it is allowed to eat and drink. Then the whole family and also friends get together. They say a traditional prayer together and then they sit down at a table where many delicious dishes are served. It may sound strange, but during this month of fasting people often eat more than they usually do. This is because in Ramadam, there are often a lot of very special delicious food on the table.

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Explanation Of The Difficult Words:

Muslims or Muslims are called people who believe in Allah and whose religion is Islam.

Islam is one of the great world religions. The religion was founded by the Prophet Muhammad. He was the first to proclaim the words of Allah. At the same time, Islam is also something like the law of Muslims, to which these people strictly adhere.

The Quran is the holy scripture of the Muslims. It is therefore the same as the Bible is for Christians.

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