Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Causes And Ways To Prevent SIDS

Sudden infant death syndrome literally upsets the world of mothers and fathers. It is true that the mortality rate for babies and toddlers has fallen rapidly to date in view of current SIDS statistics.

But the fact remains that the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) still cannot be completely ruled out. But what are the causes of a healthy baby suddenly lying dead in its crib in this country for no apparent reason?

In fact, there are simple preventive measures that you can take to protect your baby in the best possible way. One basic rule in this regard, for example, is that babies should never sleep on their stomach or in the side position.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Still A Risk

Rather, it is important to always place them on their backs to sleep. Of course, there are children who can only fall asleep in the prone position. You can allow this without further ado in order to optimally support your child and to facilitate the process of falling asleep.

However, as soon as your baby has reached the “realm of dreams”, you should slowly and carefully bring him back to the supine position. If the baby is awake, he should be turned regularly into the prone position.

This gently exercises and strengthens the baby’s back muscles. This is also essential for supporting the head and neck muscles. Overall, this position is important to ensure that the occiput does not become deformed.

Doctors also advise against covering babies with a blanket to keep them warm and cozy in their crib or cradle. It is far more advisable to use a sleeping bag, as the textile material cannot slip so that it covers the child’s face.

What exactly SIDS is all about and why heavy sweating at night can be associated with certain risks – this and more you will learn in this article.

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Are There Signs Of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?

Sudden infant death syndrome comes without any prior signs. SIDS stands for “sudden infant death syndrome” and is the international term for sudden infant death syndrome. Heavy sweating at night or hands falling asleep – all these could be the first signs of impending sudden infant death syndrome.

It’s important to know these factors to best protect your child:

Researchers believe that changes in the genetic makeup of so-called SIDS kids could be a cause of unexpected infant death. Even detailed examinations of the baby in the womb do not reveal whether there is a risk of SIDS.

Nevertheless, it is suspected that there is a link between the birth process and SIDS. Children who are born prematurely are therefore at a higher risk of SIDS.

Multiple pregnancies and births also have a higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome. In addition, experience has shown that the baby in the womb who suffered from breathing problems after birth is also at a higher risk of SIDS.

Eliminating Risks To A Large Extent – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Can Be Avoided

Medical experts cite weakness of the throat muscles or narrowing of the upper airways as reasons why sudden infant death syndrome occurs. In addition, the baby in the womb shortly before birth, as well as a newborn baby, is highly sensitive to unfavorable external influences.

These can have a detrimental effect on their health or on the development of their bodily functions. An aspect that is frightening on the one hand, but on the other hand also an advantage for concerned parents. Because mothers and fathers consequently have a certain influence on preventing sudden infant death syndrome.

Sudden infant death syndrome is caused in a particularly large number of cases by the prone position. Particularly if the bedding is excessively soft, this could have a negative effect on the child’s breathing. Soft pillows as well as clothes, blankets, and soft toys also pose a particular danger and consequently have no place in the crib.

This is because they hinder breathing insofar as the baby re-inhales too much CO2 or carbon dioxide. Its expelled breathing air, on the other hand, contains less and less oxygen. Babies cannot compensate for this by breathing more strongly. In addition, they are not yet able to move to a different sleeping position by moving.

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Sudden infant death syndrome sometimes manifests itself like this in the case of an incorrect sleeping position: The heat in the little body accumulates so that heavy sweating at night in babies is an absolute warning signal for parents.

The hands fall asleep, which can happen frequently, especially in the prone position. The blood circulation in the shoulders and upper arms functions worse and worse when lying for hours in this posture. As a result – in connection with the overheating of bodily functions – the regulation of cardiovascular activity can be impaired. Sudden infant death threatens.

Sudden infant death may also be caused by viruses, etc. The baby in the womb is still well protected from the germs and bacteria that exist in the “outside world”. However, the immune system in newborns is not yet fully developed, so the risk of getting an infection or catching a cold is extremely high.

If the child’s breathing is difficult anyway because he or she sleeps in the prone position, germs, viruses, and other pathogens have an even easier time. When bacteria spread through the body, many babies often react with bouts of fever, which is an additional burden.

Apart from the accompanying loss of fluids, the baby feels weakened, breathing becomes shallower, and the organic regulatory mechanisms of the child’s body can no longer function properly. This often leads to sudden infant death syndrome.

Stress and the hectic pace of parents’ daily lives are directly transmitted to their offspring. Worries, existential fears, professional pressure or disputes within the family can also increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

It is, therefore, elementary to have as relaxed a basic attitude as possible because this can be transmitted directly to the child. As a consequence, the risk of sudden infant death syndrome could be significantly reduced.

If the expectant mother has regularly “supplied” her baby in the womb with alcohol and nicotine, this can lead on the one hand to considerable developmental disorders. On the other hand, there is an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

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Especially when smoking is present in the home environment, this has a detrimental effect on the control of the child’s vital functions. Accordingly, sudden infant death syndrome may very well be prevented by a healthier lifestyle that is free of nicotine and alcohol.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: How You Can Reduce The Risk Of SIDS

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) cannot be prevented 100 percent, even with the latest medical knowledge. But you can still take steps to at least reduce the risk of SIDS.

For example, your child should always be placed on its back in the crib to ensure the best possible breathing. A suitable bed with a base that is not too soft as well as a firmly fixed sleeping bag are already a good basis for a healthy sleep. Of course, there should be no smoking in the home.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Can Certainly Be Prevented

Also make sure to keep the stress level as low as possible. By using specific breathing techniques and staying away from stressful people and situations, you can already do a lot to keep yourself as relaxed as possible.

the more comfortable you feel and the more relaxed you are, the more likely your little treasure will sense this positive attitude. This significantly reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome And The Fly Hold

The so-called fly-away grip is currently on everyone’s lips. But what do the airplane grip and sudden infant death syndrome have in common? Where is the connection in this respect? In the USA, a renowned pediatrician – Dr. M. Hamilton – has developed a kind of “miracle posture” that is supposed to help calm crying babies.

Also, his flying grip may help prevent sudden infant death syndrome. In fact, numerous experiments have been able to prove that the flying hold is not only helpful for crying babies, but that it can also prevent sudden infant death syndrome.

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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome And The Fly Hold – A Promising Connection?

The fly-grip is easy to learn: The child is positioned in a 45-degree angle in the prone position for the fly-grip. The little arms are folded under the child’s chest and held in place by mom or dad’s hand.

At the same time, the chin must be gently supported. The other hand of mom or dad reaches under baby’s bottom and gently wiggles it back and forth. There is still some disagreement about the effectiveness of the flyer hold.

What Is The Effect Of The Fly-grip?

It is assumed that it is primarily the calm and self-confident handling of the baby that subliminally conveys security to him through the fly-grip. The pressure of his little arms on his own chest touches an acupressure point, which also has a calming effect on the child’s mind.

Breathing is increased and stabilized at the same time. In addition, the position is very cozy, and the child can quickly fall asleep.

The Fly-grip Can Be Used Regularly

If the fly-grip is used regularly – preferably every time before bedtime – the newborn is practically continuously given peace and security. The stress level is reduced, which has an overall positive effect on the child’s condition.

The stress and hectic that may sometimes be felt in the family can therefore no longer be easily transferred to the child. It experiences more serenity and feels a sense of security. Both are relevant aspects with regard to minimizing the risk of infant death.


Whether it’s a fly-grip, a supine position or a sleeping bag – there are many things you can do to protect your child and prevent sudden infant death syndrome. It is also advisable to accommodate the baby at night in the parents’ bedroom in an extra bed to have an even better overview of the sleeping situation.

If this is not possible, you should switch on the baby monitor during the night. In the meantime, there are such promising technologies that can even be used to check the baby’s breathing.


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