Get A Toddler To Sleep Through The Night

[tps_header]Kids need a lot of sleep. But sometimes it seems like that is the absolute last thing a toddler wants to do! Anyone who has struggled to put a toddler to bed at night kicking and screaming or heard those infamous words “no nap!” can understand.

How Do You Get A Toddler To Sleep Through The Night?

Get A Toddler To Sleep Through The Night

Every child is different – that is for sure. Some toddlers don’t have a problem with sleep and some seem to need all the extra help you can give them.

For example, my 3 year old still doesn’t sleep all the way through the night. She has never been a good sleeper though. She would always wake up at least once or twice a night, usually wanting a snack. Now that she is 3, she comes to our bed about 50% of the time and says she had a bad dream or she is hungry.

On the other hand, my 18 month old has slept through the night since was almost exactly 6 months old. Yes, I do realize how incredibly lucky I am for that! The only time she has trouble sleeping is when she is teething. So, for her it is easy to help her get back to sleep because I know she needs a little medicine and some cuddles and then she will be fine.

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For my older daughter, I have just come to the conclusion that she is a restless sleeper. I honestly have no clue how to help her sleep through the night, so I needed the advice from other moms below.

Here is what other moms have to say about getting a toddler to sleep through the night.

Advice and Stories from Real Moms

How Do You Get A Toddler To Sleep Through The Night?

Move around your bath time schedule

Our son gave up his naps at around 2 years old, so he sleeps solidly throughout the night most nights. Do baths a couple of hours before bedtime if your toddler gets too excited right before bed. We found that our son was excited, rather than relaxed, by baths, so pushing bath time back helped him get to sleep easier. – Donella from Gluesticks and Gumdrops

Twins that had different sleep patterns

Don’t ask me — it never happened with us. (One of our twins always came in to sleep with mommy and daddy in the middle of the night.) The other one slept through the night, though. – Lauren from Mom Home Guide

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Start young

Teach them to sleep through the night as a baby so you don’t have to worry about it now. Start as you mean to go on and all that. – Valerie from Occasionally Crafty

Keep them dry

Keep them dry! It works wonders. Here are some tips on keeping them dry. – Menucha from Moms and Crafters

It is different for every kid

When you find out, tell me! – Niki from Play Learn Every Day

Thank you Moms!

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A good breastfeeding pillow has several advantages, because it helps you not only to breastfeed, but also to fall asleep and is also suitable as a nest.

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Radiant heater

Radiant heaters provide your child with the necessary warmth when changing diapers or after bathing.

Extra bed

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