Update Your Mommy Style The Right Way

Sometimes you just feel like you need to “update” your wardrobe, right? You don’t need all new clothes, but you just need to do SOMETHING to change things up. I feel like this every few months, especially when I start to feel like I am wearing the same outfits every single day. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to update your wardrobe, but it does take some mental energy. Let’s create a plan together to update your mommy style the right way.

Update Your Mommy Style The Right Way

First of all, get rid of clothes that are too small. I know, I know – they might fit someday. I have some of those in my closet too. But there comes a time when you just need to let those clothes go. Even if they do fit someday, the likelihood of them looking good on fitting and fitting in with your new mommy style is slim to none. Take my advice and just let them go.

Friends, this next one might seem unneccesary, BUT … get rid of clothes that are too big. I’m guilty of having all the wrong sizes in my wardrobe. Something that is too big looks just as bad as something that is too small. You end up looking frumpy when you wear clothes that are too

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My next piece of advice is to buy “outfits” and add to “outfits.” So, this means, don’t just buy that top or those pants because it’s cute, but make sure it is a complete outfit. I like to buy complete outfits at the store, since it is harder for me to remember what pieces I have at home and try to match those. I also like to keep things simple by going with black pants and dark denim jeans, since I know they will complement most tops.

It took me a long time to learn this one – Don’t buy crap. When I was younger, I would buy tons of crap clothes. Clothes that were poorly made and just did not last. I thought I was getting “deals” but I was really just wasting my money. Now, as a grown up (huh? well I guess I am) I spend more money on fewer clothes that last longer and look better.

Update a boring outfit with some jewelry. Now, you have two options here. Number 1 is to go really traditional and splurge on some nice, timeless jewelry. Something that will go with everything, like diamond stud earrings or a plain silver necklace. Second, you can go for some cheaper, stand-out jewelry. Something that is trendy and probably won’t stand the test of time, but it will make your outfit pop and people say “Wow!” when they see you. I love checking out Jane.com on a regular basis to find new and inexpensive jewelry. Plus they have tons of other unique items as well.

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Find what colors looks best on you. I know I don’t look good in yellow or orange, so I don’t even try things in those colors. If you’re not sure what looks good on you, take a trusted friend to the mall with you and try on a bunch of clothes. Ask them for their HONEST opinion of the colors you put on. No one wants a “yes woman” but sometimes it is hard for girlfriends to say anything negative. Make sure your friend knows in advance that you want to hear the ugly truth about what you’re trying on. You might even want to leave the wallet at home to ensure that this is a research only trip.

Now, you’ve probably heard the term “mom jeans” before. And you know it’s not a compliment when someone mentions mom jeans. But I say – embrace it! If you’re a mom and you’re wearing jeans… Guess what? They’re mom jeans. So don’t worry about the words, just find jeans that fit. It’s not sexy to wear jeans so low rise that you are showing off some “butt cleavage” or constantly pulling up your pants. Find jeans that fit and make you feel comfortable. You will look so much sexier when you’re comfortable, believe me.

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Speaking of sexy- have you seen the new Yoga pants from Fabletics? They can’t be made just for the gym! They make women’s behinds look too good. Plus yoga pants have to be the most comfortable pants in history. They are great for errands on the weekends when you want to be comfy but you’re toting kids in and out of the car at each stop. And I can’t help LoLing at this meme (feel free to share, it’s a good one).

yoga pants

My last tip to updating your wardrobe is to Try something new. You may think you know what you like best, but give a personal stylist a try. With Stitchfix you can work with your own virtual personal stylist who will send you a few hand picked items straight to your door. I can’t tell you enough how much I love this. It’s hard to get out of the house and shop with little kids in tow. With Stitchfix, everything is mailed right to you so you can try it on in your own home. This also makes matching not outfits a lot easier since everything is right there. Stitchfix even now offers maternity clothes. I tried them out once, and my experience was only so-so. But for regular non-maternity clothes, they are fabulous.

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Try Stitchfix at your own home.

I hope you can find a few minutes in the next few days to try a few of these tips to updating your wardrobe.  Let me know what worked best for you in the comments.

The best products for you and your baby.

Baby monitor

With a baby monitor, you can use your time flexibly, sleep peacefully at night and still know at all times that your baby is doing well.

Nursing pillow

A good breastfeeding pillow has several advantages, because it helps you not only to breastfeed, but also to fall asleep and is also suitable as a nest.

Diaper bags

A diaper bag offers you a lot of storage space, so that you have everything you need for your baby on the go - from the changing pad to the bottle.


A pucksack gives your baby the feeling of security, like in the womb, and thus supports a peaceful and restful sleep.

Bicycle trailer

Bicycle trailers can be used in combination with a baby seat shortly after birth. They are not only safer than child seats but also more comfortable.


A playpen can be very practical in everyday life! Which model is suitable for your needs, you can read in my guide.

Baby bed

The first bed accompanies your child for years. Fortunately, there are beds that grow with your child. I have made for you on the search for the best baby beds.


A stroller is a worthwhile purchase. But there are the most diverse models on the market. Find out which is the right one.

Radiant heater

Radiant heaters provide your child with the necessary warmth when changing diapers or after bathing.

Extra bed

Side beds are very practical and offer both mother and baby a lot of advantages, because for babies, especially in the first months of life, it is reassuring to be able to sleep next to their parents.

2 thoughts on “Update Your Mommy Style The Right Way”

  1. Oh yes, I definitely need an update! My wardrobe lately has totally been finding something to match that day’s leggings. Lol! I love the idea to shop for outfits because that is something I never do…I always just grab one piece I love and then have nothing to wear it with. Thanks for the tips!

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