After baptism, the next important step is confirmation. Soon you have a confirmation in the relatives and you do not know what wishes for confirmation you should write on the card? Probably everyone knows this. Therefore, I have collected my favorites of the most beautiful confirmation sayings for you.
Table of contents
Confirmation Wishes At A Glance:
- Modern confirmation sayings
- Personal confirmation sayings
- Confirmation sayings from the bible
- Confirmation sayings for godparents
Modern Confirmation Sayings
Also interesting:True happiness consists not in what one receives, but in what one gives. – St. John Chrysostom
Go your way and let people talk. – Dante Alighieri
To do good of oneself is called religion. – Martin Opitz
Become what you are not yet, remain what you are already: in this remaining and this becoming lies all that is beautiful here on earth. – Franz Grillparzer
When we fold our hands, we feel – there are three anchors in the world’s gears that hold us firmly and securely: Faith, hope and love. – unknown author
Don’t let anyone rob
you of your faith in yourself.
If you don’t trust yourself,
no one will believe in you. – FolksongToday you stand on the threshold of
pause briefly at this point,
listen deeply within yourself.
Do you hear the echoes of your childhood?
Never let them fade away!
They are voices full of purity,
singing your life song
They are the pillars of your life,
on which you can always build!
Believe me, nothing is in vain,
you just have to trust in God.
He is the voice in you that
guides you through life
He is the light in you that
always touches your heart
Everything you are looking for is in you,
what you want, you already have,
I wish you all the best for your confirmation
.- unknown authorWherever you go, go with your whole heart. – Confucius
You have been preparing for this beautiful celebration for a long time.
You did good deeds and
even thought a lot
In the end, you invited all of us.
There are no questions about it.
We are happy to be with you today and congratulate you! – unknown authorMay the road hurry towards you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warmly on your face and the rain fall gently on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the peace of his hand. – Irish blessing
God give you
:for every storm a rainbow,
for every tear a laugh,for
worry a viewand
help in every difficulty
,for every
problem life sendsa
friend to share it,
every sigh a beautiful songand
answer to every prayer. -IrishproverbAll the best for your confirmation, we wish you now,
we also want to do something for you today for your celebration.
You should only celebrate and enjoy, that’s all you should do today and
of course rejoice and laugh from the bottom of your heart
In the end, you will receive many gifts for your feast of honor,
there will be many more gifts, if you just let us
– unknown author
Confirmation Sayings From The Bible
God equips me with strength and makes my ways blameless. – Psalm 18.33
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. – Psalm 23.6
May God be gracious to us and bless us; may he make his face to shine upon us. – Psalm 67.2
Lord, your goodness reaches as far as the sky, and your truth as far as the clouds go. – Psalm 36.6
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. – Genesis 6.25-26
As the heavens arch over the earth, so God’s love surrounds all who trust God. – Psalm 103.11
God says: Never will I withdraw my help from you, never will I forsake you. – Joshua 1.5b
For mountains shall depart, and hills shall fall: but my grace shall not depart from thee. – Isaiah 54.10
Personal Confirmation Sayings
Wonderfully sheltered by good powers
, we confidently await what may come.
God is with us in the evening and in the morning and
certainly on every new day
– Dietrich Bonhoeffer
the source of life and God’s
accompany and
Only in this way can you
all your plans to a
happy conclusion
Confirmation is the day
your place in the large
Make sure that it stays with you.
Congratulations on your confirmation! – unknown author
Congratulations on your confirmation, an important day in your life,
and God’s blessing.
Growing up is not far now,
we wish you a happy and fulfilling time
May beautiful memories accompany your celebration today,
and your positive faith always guide you
– unknown authorMany guests are here today to be near you,
they are celebrating your confirmation with you, because you are not alone on this day.
I have also come to you today to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
and of course to celebrate your feast
We eat, celebrate, sing, dance and talk a lot and
then we also play one or the other game
– unknown authorOnce again we sit here and celebrate a festival together
, many guests have come from the East and also from the West.
For your confirmation they wish you luck and all the best now.
Then you also get gifts from us at the end.
We hope we could bring you joy on your special day,
we tried very hard, because each of us likes you very much
– unknown author
Confirmation Sayings For Godparents
As your godfather, I feel called to
you on the bumpy steps of
life, to strengthen your faith
so that it becomes visible in your deeds and works.
Sometimes life weighs on us and we carry a lot of burdens with
us on the stony stairs
but despite all the burdens, God is to be praised,
because the stairs of life lead steadily upwards
Today you are climbing one of the most important steps on the
way to life, God has called you
you have heard him and this will be celebrated,
today is your day, you will be confirmed
– unknown authorHow fast you grow in our house,
we can hardly believe.
Rejoice, the
sweet grapes of life
are falling out.
– unknownauthorToday is your special day
, God makes you feel how much he likes you.
His good wishes will accompany you,
and prepare you a beautiful confirmation today
We wish you God’s blessings and
happiness, courage and hope on all your ways
– unknown authorToday with your confirmation you are
accepted into the circle of adults,
we are here for you,
because you still have to learn.
Always remain pure in your heart,
then your actions will always be simple
– unknown authorYour day has come today
, that I have heard with great joy
.I was your godmother with pride and pleasure.
I hope you knew that.But now you are big and
I must let you
go.But our friendship will always be and
from today you are really no longer small! – unknown authorHow fast you grow in our house,
we can hardly believe.
sweet grapes of life
are falling out.
– unknown authorToday is your special day
, God makes you feel how much he likes you.
His good wishes will accompany you and
prepare you a beautiful confirmation today
We wish you God’s blessings and
happiness, courage and hope on all your ways
– unknown authorToday we accompany you to church,
we are with you
.Today we are your witnesses,
are with you.Today we celebrate and
we are with you! – unknown author
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