Your Baby Is 11 Months Old? This Is What Your Baby Should Be Able To Do By Now

You want to know how your baby, 11 months, behave? In the first year of life, your child is constantly changing. Every few days, new parents can observe new developmental steps in their child. This is totally exciting.

The baby’s appearance also changes constantly in a few weeks and months. Sometimes your child looks the same as mom or dad, sometimes grandpa or grandma, it’s fascinating! The nutrition changes constantly, your baby is allowed to eat more and more.

The sleeping behavior usually develops in such a way that you as a father or mother get more sleep. But sometimes there are also sleep problems. And the baby sleeps restlessly or the baby cries in his sleep. You can read more about this here.

Your Baby Is Now 11 Months Old And Wants To Conquer The World

It is typical for this age that your child now wants to discover everything. With all senses, it wants to see and hear, touch, lick, taste. This is also the so-called oral phase. The world is extremely interesting and wants to be explored.

Children at that age make progress in their development of movement almost every day, which of course also brings dangers. You have probably long since eliminated everything that could be dangerous for your child.

This includes easily accessible sockets, you have secured the stove in the kitchen, placed potted plants out of reach, and much more. Because now your child crawls and begins to pull himself up in all possible places.

You have to be very careful on stairs and balcony railings, clearing away wobbly chairs or larger objects before the already somewhat larger baby, 11 months old, can pull them towards him.

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Because when your baby is 11 months old, he would like to move freely and sit freely. Hands and fingers are gaining better and better skills. By the end of the first year of life, most children can pick up small berries or vegetables like peas and corn from their plates.

But be careful, the vegetables as well as the fruits should be properly cooked soft. So your baby, 11 months old, can mash them with his tongue and not choke on them.

Your Baby Is 11 Months Old? This Is The Menu

Babyhood is slowly coming to an end and the baby is becoming a toddler. This is also noticeable in the diet. You can very gradually adapt the complementary food to that of adults. It is important to respect what your child likes to eat and what he or she rejects.

There should be no pressure. When the baby is 11 months old, he or she would like to sit at the table with the parents. And this should happen during the normal meal rituals, which should take place at the same time of day if possible.

In addition, the little ones get a small snack in the morning and in the afternoon, which can consist of fruit, for example. Let your child eat in peace and don’t put too much on his or her plate, because you can always follow up.

And please be tolerant if it spills. In the beginning, many children eat with their fingers before they learn to handle a baby spoon. If your child shows that he or she is full, don’t encourage him or her to continue eating beyond his or her sense of fullness.

At mealtimes, children watch their parents closely. They, therefore, have a role model function. If dad and mom eat with pleasure and in peace, the child will internalize this and behave in the same way. The same applies to varied meals that are put on the table.

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Your baby, 11 months old, may try weakly spiced meals of vegetables and fruits, grains, meat, and fish. Occasionally, there may be some chicken egg and some cow’s milk, as long as your child has not already developed an allergy to these foods in the previous months.

Legumes, raw onions, raw milk, honey, and smoked meat or smoked fish are not yet tolerated by a child at 11 months. Likewise, it should not yet be given fried and heavily fried foods to eat.

The same applies to sweetened foods such as cakes, pastries, chocolate and sweets. They should drink clear water (e.g. tap water) or mineral water and unsweetened teas.

Pay Attention To Digestion And Tolerance

If your baby suffers from an allergy, this may have already become apparent in the previous months. But intolerances to fructose, lactose or other food contents can also affect the child.

The digestive system is only slowly developing and could be overstrained by this or that food, if necessary. Every child is different and what tastes good or is good for one does not necessarily apply to your child.

Normal flatulence can be caused by too much air in the stomach or by flatulent foods. The result: your baby cries in his sleep. Some fennel or caraway tea, a hot water bottle, and gentle abdominal massage are good for the baby, 11 months old.

Examinations U6 And Tooth Development

Between his tenth and twelfth month of life, you should have the U6 done by the pediatrician. Here, the child’s motor skills such as crawling, first attempts at walking and sitting are examined. Fine motor skills such as grasping are also tested.

The doctor checks what a baby can already do at 11 months. Any developmental delays will become apparent and can be treated if necessary.

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Your child’s height and weight will be noted and parents will receive tips on dental care and vaccinations. During this early detection examination U6, parents can discuss with the pediatrician possible food intolerances, frequent crying during the day or the baby cries in his sleep.

At this age, most children have their first two incisors, top, and bottom. Soon, two more frog teeth will show up above and below. Teething can also be painful and is always a topic of discussion with the pediatrician.

The Baby Cries During Sleep

When it comes to sleeping, every child is an individualist. Here there are no exact specifications, how long a baby with 11 months, to sleep has. Or how many months it should sleep through. Your baby sleeps restlessly? Or your baby cries in his sleep?

Then you should find out what is wrong with him. Besides feeling hungry, pain, bad dreams, a sniffly nose, or various other reasons can disrupt sleep. Such simple things as too hard or too soft a pad or a full diaper affect sleep.

A room that is too warm or too cool, as well as abdominal pain from gas, also come into consideration. Your baby cries in his sleep? Then he or she has probably been dreaming or has not yet processed the experiences of the day.

It usually takes several months before your baby can sleep through the night. This is exhausting for parents, especially if they go to work. Some children fall asleep again soon after waking up at night, others find it more difficult.

But the closeness of mom and dad always helps, providing a sense of security during sleep. Some parents think that if they put their child to bed at the same time every day, the right sleeping rhythm will develop.

But this is not true. For your baby to sleep through the night, he should be tired before you put him to bed. This can be encouraged by taking a walk in the fresh air in the afternoon. A quiet evening without a lot of running around or other exciting activities will also promote the baby’s sleep.

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If the evening is too exciting, the child has difficulty processing the experience and your baby cries in his sleep. The nap should not be too long. If it lasts longer than about 3 p.m., the time until bedtime in the evening is too short. This means that your child is often not really tired in the evening when he or she should be asleep.

Play For Good Child Development

Playing is very important for your baby at 11 months. Every toy fulfills several functions for the healthy development of your child. The toy should be age-appropriate and safe and not overtax your child.

Through sight, touch, and hearing, the cognitive and motor skills of your baby are promoted in these months, shortly before the completion of the 1st year. You can support your child in this because you are the most important caregiver in his or her life.

Reading Aloud During These Months Promotes A Feeling For Language

A nice ritual, especially before bedtime, is reading aloud and singing to your child. Young children look with interest at the pictures in the children’s book and soon enjoy turning the pages. The rhythm of speech and its sound optimally train the hearing of a child who is 11 months old.

His feeling for good language is developing. It is beneficial to read the same little stories over and over again, showing the pictures. Children like to remember this and enjoy the repetition.

The same applies to singing little nursery rhymes. The regularity gives the child security and calms him in the evening. And soon your baby, 11 months old, will be humming along a little with the familiar melodies.

The best products for you and your baby.

Baby monitor

With a baby monitor, you can use your time flexibly, sleep peacefully at night and still know at all times that your baby is doing well.

Nursing pillow

A good breastfeeding pillow has several advantages, because it helps you not only to breastfeed, but also to fall asleep and is also suitable as a nest.

Diaper bags

A diaper bag offers you a lot of storage space, so that you have everything you need for your baby on the go - from the changing pad to the bottle.


A pucksack gives your baby the feeling of security, like in the womb, and thus supports a peaceful and restful sleep.

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Bicycle trailers can be used in combination with a baby seat shortly after birth. They are not only safer than child seats but also more comfortable.


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The first bed accompanies your child for years. Fortunately, there are beds that grow with your child. I have made for you on the search for the best baby beds.


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Radiant heater

Radiant heaters provide your child with the necessary warmth when changing diapers or after bathing.

Extra bed

Side beds are very practical and offer both mother and baby a lot of advantages, because for babies, especially in the first months of life, it is reassuring to be able to sleep next to their parents.

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