Children Need To Watch Out For Poisonous Plants In The Garden

Outside it is now slowly getting warm again, the sun is shining and the children are playing in the garden. But now is also a time when children playing in the garden should watch out for poisonous plants that will soon begin to bloom. In particular, experts warn against the laburnum or the angel’s trumpet.

Parents Must Educate Their Children

Especially the parents are now more in the duty, because they must educate their children about the poisonous garden plants. At this time of year, there are several of these plants that can now be found in the garden. In addition to the angel’s trumpet and laburnum, these are also the oleander, belladonna or autumn crocus. These are all poisonous plants and for children this can lead to dangerous consequences. Often it is enough for children to touch these plants, which can result in severe skin inflammation.

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Children Try Out Many Things

Children usually try out quite a lot. Especially smaller children put a lot of things in their mouths. Golden yellow flowers, bright fruits, all this has a kind of fascination for children and must be thoroughly examined. If such a plant gets into the mouth of children and is possibly even swallowed behind, this can lead to nausea and dizziness. Parents should then not think twice and consult a doctor with the child. Many children make the mistake of drinking or parents give them milk or salt water against the poisonous plant. This should be avoided at all costs, because milk ensures that a poison enters the bloodstream much faster through the stomach. Too much salt, on the other hand, runs the risk of causing a violent imbalance in the child’s body. It is therefore recommended to drink small amounts of water, juice or tea. This ensures that the toxic substances are diluted and can thus cause less damage.

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Photo: HoleInTheBox /

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