Cystitis – Who Gets Sick From It And Why?

Cystitis is an unpleasant, but usually easily transient disease that shows characteristic symptoms.

Even during pregnancy, you are not protected from getting sick. Whether flu or a urinary tract infection, expectant mothers are just as affected.

But what to do if the cystitis shows symptoms and you want to treat it as soon as possible? There are many good home remedies that can quickly alleviate the symptoms.

It is important that you act, because if left untreated, a urinary tract infection can become chronic and cause prolonged discomfort.

What Is Cystitis?

Cystitis, as the name suggests, is an inflammation of the urinary bladder. The symptoms are characteristic and the discomfort often unpleasant. Especially women are often affected, because they have a shorter urethra.

During pregnancy, the risk of suffering a bladder infection is increased. However, it is reassuring to know that not all abdominal pain immediately indicates a urinary tract infection.

Often, the causes of stabbing pain in the abdomen are quite harmless.

Bacteria, which very often originate from the intestines, are responsible for bladder infections. The bacteria enter through your urethra and make their way to the bladder. In rare cases, cystitis symptoms start from an infection of the kidney.

In most cases, it is so-called coli bacteria that are responsible for the development of cystitis. These coli bacteria, more precisely classified as Escherichia coli, are always present in your intestines.

They do not cause any harm there, but in the urinary tract they trigger the typical cystitis symptoms.

What Are The Symptoms Of Cystitis?

Inflammation of the bladder does not always present itself with the classic symptoms. Sometimes the mild form of inflammation is barely noticeable. Nevertheless, there are classic symptoms that you should definitely watch out for.

  • Alguria (burning pain when urinating).
  • Increased urge to urinate.
  • Decreased amount of urine.
  • Frequent urination at night.
  • Bladder pain in the form of cramps.

Other symptoms, although not present in every bladder infection, include.

  • Cloudy, unpleasant-smelling urine.
  • Frequent accompanying vaginal discharge.
  • Back pain, when the germs pass to the kidneys.
  • Fever or increased temperature.
  • Temporary urge incontinence.
  • Reddish urine discoloration due to traces of blood in the urine.
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Surprising: These Factors Favor Cystitis

There are some risk factors that favor the development of cystitis. If these risk factors are avoided, the likelihood of contracting the disease decreases:

  • The so-called honeymoon cystitis is caused by frequent sexual intercourse. Surprisingly, but actually the friction during sex favors the passage of intestinal pathogens into the urethra.
  • A bladder catheter that remains in the bladder for a long time promotes cystitis.
  • Dysfunction of the bladder can be causative for a urinary tract infection. If residual urine remains in the bladder or a congestion develops, bacteria can multiply better and more easily.
  • The immune system also plays a role. If it is weakened, bacteria have an easier time. With proper nutrition, it is possible to strengthen the immune system.
  • Bladder endoscopies or flushing can promote the distribution of bacteria through the urethra.
  • Pregnancy and postpartum are also often causes of cystitis. The urethra is dilated, and bacteria can enter more easily.
  • Mistakes in toilet hygiene. Wiping from back to front after defecation transports coli bacteria toward the urethra.

Caution: These Complications Threaten With Cystitis

Actually, cystitis heals quickly. In most cases, the doctor administers an antibiotic and within seven days you are cured. However, certain circumstances can lead to complications.

While these are generally rare, they must be considered.

Recurrent Cystitis

The risk with an acute cystitis (bladder infection) that has not healed is that the disease will become chronic. This means that you will suffer recurrently from a troublesome bladder infection.

For your doctor to use the term chronic, at least three infections must occur in one year.

In the case of a recurring bladder infection, bacteria are not always to blame, but also other germs. The doctor should find out which germs are causative by performing a urine culture.

If an acute urinary tract infection is treated in time with antibiotics, the risk of chronicity is reduced.

Renal Pelvic Inflammation As A Serious Complication

The most dangerous complication of simple cystitis is renal pelvic inflammation. Here, the causative pathogens spread from the bladder to the renal pelvis.

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The renal tissue and the renal corpuscles become inflamed as a result and the general condition is severely impaired.

A complication of this can be blood poisoning. The bacteria collect in the kidney tissue. If they get from there into your bloodstream, the so-called urosepsis can develop.

Because of the strong kidney blood circulation, the risk is high. The best prevention is effective therapy with antibiotics.

Complications During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a risk factor for the development of cystitis.

The hormonal changes mean that bacteria have an easier game. In most cases, the urinary tract infection heals without consequences even during pregnancy.

Only in rare cases can complications occur, such as premature birth or pregnancy poisoning (pre-eclampsia).

If you are pregnant and notice symptoms of cystitis, you should inform your doctor immediately.

Caution: What You Need To Watch Out For Now

The risk of catching a bladder infection from others is low if sufficient hygiene measures are in place.

It is dangerous in public toilets, because there are many coli bacteria.

However, the bacteria that cause colitis are not only found in toilets but also on doorknobs, shopping carts, and taps. You can prevent transmission in advance by washing your hands regularly.

How Does The Doctor Diagnose A Urinary Tract Infection?

If you notice symptoms of a urinary tract infection, your way will lead you to the doctor. He or she will first talk to you.

Based on your description, the diagnosis of cystitis becomes probable or improbable.

If you are pregnant, your doctor will ask you to give urine. They will then check whether you have red blood cells in your urine and how high your leukocyte count is.

To identify the exact pathogens, your doctor may also do a urine culture. This is rarely done for uncomplicated urinary tract infections.

However, if you are pregnant, it may be important to determine the type of germ.

Special Case: Cystitis During Pregnancy

As a pregnant woman, you will be examined more intensively if you are suspected of having a bladder infection, even if you have hardly any symptoms. there is the so-called asymptomatic bacteriuria.

This is the presence of bacteria in your urine without symptoms.

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In this case, your doctor will prescribe you an antibiotic, regardless of the symptoms. This will prevent you from developing kidney inflammation.

About 30 percent of pregnant women will develop a kidney infection if they have asymptomatic bacteria in their urine.

Apply Preventive Bladder Infection Home Remedies

Applying home remedies for an established bladder infection is only possible as an adjunctive therapy. The cure is through the administration of antibiotics. However, there are some methods how you can prevent the development of cystitis in general.

  • Pay attention to the amount you drink! You should drink at least 1.5 liters a day. Teas or water are ideal.
  • Go to the toilet regularly. Urinary retention promotes the development of a urinary tract infection. If you use your urethra frequently, bacteria will be flushed out before they can reach the bladder.
  • Wipe properly after a bowel movement! If you wipe from back to front after a bowel movement, you risk a bladder infection. Wipe from front to back to prevent urinary tract infection.
  • Wear comfortable underwear! Tight, synthetic underwear can help transport germs to the vagina. Cotton panties are the best and healthiest undergarments.
  • Rinse your urethra after sex! If you have the opportunity, you should urinate no later than 15 minutes after sex. Any bacteria will be flushed out directly.

Classic Bladder Infection Home Remedies For Supportive Therapy

Home remedies can be used to alleviate the symptoms of cystitis. However, you must keep in mind that these alone are not sufficient for therapy.

If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics, you must take them according to the instructions on the package.

The Following Cystitis Home Remedies Can Be Of Supportive Help

Apple cider vinegar is considered an antibacterial bladder infection home remedy. The acetic acid decimates the bacteria. During the acute phase of the disease, you can drink a mixture of warm water and apple cider vinegar up to three times a day.

Drinking plenty of fluids is essential during cystitis. To support the healing process, you can prepare tea from bearberry leaves. You can drink up to three cups of it every day. Bearberry leaves are also present in bladder teas, they have a diuretic effect and should help to flush out the bacteria quickly.

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You know radish only as a salad? The spicy tuber is also a good bladder infection home remedy. The mustard oil contained in radishes stimulates the urge to urinate. Existing bacteria are thus flushed out more quickly and healing is promoted.

Cystitis In Children – Unfortunately Very Common

Cystitis is one of the most common bacterial infections in children. In most cases, only the lower urinary tract is affected. Almost always, it is intestinal bacteria that trigger the inflammation.

As in adults, girls are more often affected than boys. The anatomy of the urethra is responsible for this. The distance between the urethra and the anus is shorter in girls, and the urethra is also shorter.

Symptoms Of Cystitis In Children

Children often find it difficult to express their symptoms. They feel uncomfortable, but cannot define exactly why. As a parent, you must pay special attention to whether your child’s symptoms could indicate cystitis.

Pay particular attention to the following signs

  • Sudden wetting of children who were already reliably dry.
  • Fear of urination, child speaks of pain on toilet.
  • Frequent scratching between the legs, querulous mood in the child.
  • Fever or increased temperature and general faintness.
  • Unpleasant smell of urine, dark color of urine.

What Does The Pediatrician Do For Cystitis?

Adult patients are usually given an antibiotic when they are affected by cystitis. In children, on the other hand, home remedies and soothing measures are preferred for cystitis.

The small organism is not yet able to process antibiotic administration very well, so it is resorted to only in case of emergency.

Helpful measures are sitz baths, which take away the child’s pain. Chamomile tea, which also has anti-inflammatory properties, is suitable for this purpose.

In addition, the child needs an adequate supply of fluids. Water and tea are optimal. If children are still breastfed, no additional administration of fluids to breast milk is necessary.

If a high fever occurs or the number of bacteria is greatly increased, a home remedy is no longer sufficient for cystitis. In this case, the pediatrician administers an antibiotic.

There is also a possibility of renal pelvic inflammation in children. In most cases, however, cystitis heals without complications.

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