10 Ideas For Baby Toys Of Your Child Between 1 And 2 Years Old

You want to support your baby’s development with the right toys? But do you find it difficult to find your way through the wide range of baby toys? We have put together 10 tips to help you choose the right toy for your baby.

Your child is not yet a year old? Here’s a checklist of toys for babies up to one year old.

Babies and toddlers between the ages of 1 and 2 are going through a lot of skill development. Their motor skills, coordination, concentration and imagination continue to form. This development is further encouraged with the right toys.

Toys From 1 Year

Your 1-year-old child doesn’t really need a toy that has a clear purpose for play. This would rather limit the creativity of your offspring.

Of course, you should always consider your child’s stage of development when choosing a toy. Maybe he is already taking his first steps with or without your help

In addition, the coordination of hand and eye improves at this age. Your child starts with the tweezers or pincers grip. With the thumb and forefinger, he or she also begins to specifically grasp smaller things

Children now enjoy moving these things from A to B, stacking and sorting them

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Building blocks made of wood

They are an absolute classic among baby toys. Your offspring will become master builders as they build towers and walls. At the same time, a variety of skills are trained playfully

The differently shaped blocks train the child’s Vision is trained. Stacking and building requires dexterity and Concentration is required. Of course, creativity is also required when your little Master builder builds a landscape of building blocks in the nursery

Cuddly animals

A cuddly toy can play many roles for your baby. It is a patient playmate who is always by your child’s side. In unfamiliar and new situations, it can also be a protector whose familiar presence your baby can rely on.

Stacking and sorting toys

These baby toys train dexterity and concentration Concentration. Both are required when putting and stacking the individual elements elements. Your baby learns to know and distinguish differences in size and and differentiate between them

Baby walker

Baby walkers are a great help for the first excursions of your Baby on his own legs. They provide your child with support and at the same time to walk at the same time. Thus, they provide for a steady improvement of motor skills.

Baby toys with sound

Toys with integrated sound function are a hit with the little ones. They bring great fun and lead your child learns sounds and melodies

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In addition, finger dexterity is trained, as different sounds are usually triggered by different actions or pressing different buttons

Toys From 18 Months

At 18 months, your baby has an ever-increasing urge to move. Motor skills are also improving steadily. Your child understands more and more the connections and affiliations of different things

He also tries to participate more and more in your everyday life. He wants to do exactly what you do

Play kitchen

Your child is becoming more and more interested in your everyday life. With a play kitchen, you give him the opportunity to imitate and perceive the daily events of cooking in his own way

Marble run

With a ball track, your toddler should proceed with a lot of tact. The balls must be carefully placed in the right place and set on their way

Then they are watched carefully as they roll along the various tracks. This trains dexterity and hand-eye coordination. In addition, your child learns about the laws of physics in a very playful way


With the telephone we are back to the fact that your child likes to imitate what you do yourself. A toy telephone encourages your baby to talk. This is how his vocabulary expands

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It’s also a great way to practice talking together in a playful way. Your baby will quickly learn to associate different keys with different sounds.


Books are a great way to expand your child’s concentration and imagination. Pictures are looked at attentively. Your treasure dives into other worlds

Of course, it is especially nice to leaf through the book together. By naming different motifs, the vocabulary of your child expands.

Sliding vehicles

Vehicles to slide are optimal first vehicles for your Offspring. The new way of moving is a lot of fun. At the same time but also trains the motor skills. New movement sequences are practiced and the muscles of the legs are of the legs

What You Should Look For When Buying

When buying toys for babies and toddlers, make sure that they are Toddlers, make sure that they are made of high-quality materials and are free of And free of harmful substances. Good toys for babies do not have an unpleasant or acrid odor, but smells neutral.

Edges and corners on the toy should not be too sharp, so that your darling can not hurt himself. It is best to do a “feel test” before you let your baby play with it

Small parts should not come off the toy so that your baby does not get your baby does not swallow them while playing. It is also best to test whether everything is well made and firmly attached to the baby toy.

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You should also do the self-test for toys that make loud sounds, noises and melodies. Make sure that the volume is okay for your child. If it is already uncomfortably loud in your ear, then it is for your baby in any case

Of course, not every toy is the right choice for every child. Children develop at different speeds. They also have different preferences

If you’re having a hard time finding the perfect toy for your baby, feel free to check out our tips for buying the right toy. We’ve also compiled information for you on what to look for when playing with your child.

FAQ Around The Topic Of Baby Toys


Largo, R. H. (2017). BABY YEARS. Development and education in the first four years. Piper Publishers.


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A good breastfeeding pillow has several advantages, because it helps you not only to breastfeed, but also to fall asleep and is also suitable as a nest.

Diaper bags

A diaper bag offers you a lot of storage space, so that you have everything you need for your baby on the go - from the changing pad to the bottle.


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Extra bed

Side beds are very practical and offer both mother and baby a lot of advantages, because for babies, especially in the first months of life, it is reassuring to be able to sleep next to their parents.

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