With a round baby bump, go to the sea once again to relax and soak up the sun. This is not only a benefit for the body, but also a balm for the soul. Many couples dream of spending the last few days before the birth of their child together – preferably in an idyllic vacation paradise. But what can be done when the longed-for vacation destination can only be reached by plane? Flying during pregnancy is considered a controversial topic, as it raises numerous questions: Does a doctor need to be consulted if women wish to fly while pregnant? Does a long-haul flight during pregnancy put too much stress on the unborn child? Are there airline regulations that prohibit expectant mothers from flying in the third trimester of pregnancy?
A note beforehand: pregnancies are not diseases – so flying with a baby in your belly is rarely a problem from a medical perspective. Still, expectant moms need to make important preparations before embarking on a long-distance trip. Read on to learn what to consider when flying during pregnancy. We will answer your most burning questions on this topic and also provide you with valuable tips so that you can enjoy your vacation trip with baby bump to the fullest.
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Flying Pregnant – Is It Allowed At All And Is It Safe?
The well-being of the unborn child is the top priority for expectant mothers. Many women are very worried in the weeks and months before the birth and wonder whether it could harm the baby if they fly during pregnancy. In principle, there is nothing against air travel. Flying during pregnancy is permitted as long as there are no health restrictions or pregnancy complications. Of course, there must be no increased risk of premature birth or miscarriage. Therefore, it is advisable to talk to the attending gynecologist in good time about upcoming travel plans. If the pregnancy runs smoothly, flying with a baby in the belly can become an unforgettably beautiful experience.
When Is The Best Time To Fly When Pregnant?
Expectant mothers who want to fly during pregnancy should preferably start their trip in the second trimester. The first trimester, on the other hand, is less suitable for long-haul flights. Especially during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, many women suffer from morning sickness, fatigue and general malaise. In addition, this phase is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage. Yet another reason for preferring to stay at home. In the last third of a pregnancy, it is above all the pregnant woman’s state of health that determines whether she is fit to fly.
Flying With A Baby In The Belly – Up To Which Week Of Pregnancy Is It Possible?
If you would like to fly while pregnant, you should contact your airline before booking your trip to find out the currently valid conditions of carriage for pregnant women. This is because these can vary greatly from airline to airline. Most European airlines carry pregnant women until the end of the 36th week of pregnancy. In the case of a twin pregnancy, air travel is often only possible up to the 32nd week of pregnancy. Please note: Some airlines also require a doctor’s certificate of fitness to fly, which you must obtain a few days before your flight.
Flying Pregnant – Can The Airline Require A Medical Certificate From Me?
Do you want to fly during your pregnancy? Then the airline may ask you to submit a medical certificate attesting to your fitness to fly. In most cases, such a certificate is only required from the 32nd week of pregnancy. In the case of an imminent multiple birth, however, a flight fitness certificate may be requested much earlier. The reason for this is the airlines’ justified fear of sudden labor pains or other complications in the air. A birth on an airplane is not only associated with risks, but also with high costs, which every airline wants to avoid.
Long-Haul Flight During Pregnancy – Are Long Flight Times Harmful To The Unborn Baby?
Whether it’s a short-haul or long-haul flight, if a pregnancy progresses without complications, air travel does not pose an excessive burden on the expectant mother and her unborn baby. Nevertheless, it must be pointed out that a long flight duration is also associated with an increased risk of thrombosis. Especially on inexpensive charter flights, the comfort of the seats leaves much to be desired. Complete legroom can only be guaranteed in the front row. However, you can do a few things to help prevent the occurrence of a blood clot. First, make sure you stay hydrated throughout the flight. Walk the aisle at regular intervals and move your legs even when seated by stepping on the spot or making light circular movements with the tips of your feet. Tip: Never do without medical compression stockings, which reduce the risk of thrombosis, especially during pregnancy.
Flying During Pregnancy – Can Expectant Mothers Go Through The Security Scanner Without Hesitation?
Metal detectors used for security screening are completely safe for your baby. Even during your pregnancy, you can pass through them without worry. Modern airports also use X-ray body scanners that screen people to detect hidden weapons or other dangerous objects. The radiation dose from these devices is extremely low. It is considered safe for pregnant women and unborn children. However, if you are concerned about the health of your child, you can request an alternative scanning check.
Flying Pregnant – Danger From Cosmic Radiation Exposure?
Are you worried that you will expose yourself to too much radiation if you fly during your pregnancy? The fact is: cosmic radiation in the atmosphere is significantly higher than on the ground. However, we would like to reassure you. Scientists have been able to prove through long-term studies that pregnant women do not have to give up occasional vacation flights. Only frequent professional flying (for example, as a pilot or stewardess) must be restricted during pregnancy.
Can Flying During Pregnancy Cause Premature Birth?
Is your pregnancy progressing without complications so far? Do you feel fit and healthy? Has your gynecologist been able to certify that your baby is developing normally? Then you don’t have to be afraid of flying during pregnancy. After all, there are no scientific studies that indicate that flying during pregnancy promotes premature labor or even miscarriage. In the case of occasional flights, even the slightly increased radiation exposure to which you are exposed on the plane poses no danger to you or your unborn child.
Are There Increased Risks For Other Health Problems When Flying During Pregnancy?
Slight turbulence when flying can exacerbate pregnancy nausea that is already present. It should also be mentioned that long-haul flights during pregnancy significantly increase the risk of thrombosis if adequate safety precautions are not taken. Have you also decided to fly during pregnancy? Are you planning a long-haul flight that will last longer than four hours? Then you should take the following tips to heart to limit the risk of venous thrombosis:
– Wear loose-fitting clothing as well as comfortable shoes that don’t constrict
– Drink enough water and minimize your coffee consumption
– Get regular exercise: take a walk in the aisle or visit the on-board restroom several times to stretch your legs
– Have your attending physician prescribe medical compression stockings for pregnancy
Flying With Baby In The Belly – Can Pressure Changes Become A Health Hazard?
If an expectant mother suffers from severe and constant nausea, flying during pregnancy can become very uncomfortable for her. The reason for this is her uterus, which is filled with amniotic fluid and develops a clearly noticeable momentum of its own when the plane takes off and lands. Have you nevertheless decided to fly during your pregnancy? Then you should ask your doctor about well-tolerated medications for discomfort that will alleviate your discomfort without endangering the unborn baby in your belly.
Flying During Pregnancy – Are Expectant Mothers Entitled To A Particularly Comfortable Seat?
It would certainly make many ladies happy. Nevertheless, expectant mothers who fly pregnant are not entitled to a particularly comfortable seat. Nevertheless, it may be worthwhile to inform the steward or stewardess of an existing pregnancy. The empathetic flight staff will do their best to make your pregnancy flight as comfortable as possible. Your flight is not fully booked? Then you may politely ask if you can sit in a seat with more legroom?
Are There Special Entry Requirements For Women Flying Pregnant?
Would you like to fly while still pregnant and soon embark on a relaxing long-distance trip? Please do not forget to check with the entry regulations of your vacation destination. There are actually some countries that make it difficult for pregnant women to enter the country or (after a certain month of pregnancy) deny them entry completely. In Singapore, for example, the authorities require a medical certificate and a “social visit pass” from the relevant consulate from the sixth month of pregnancy. Malaysia is even stricter: Pregnant tourists who have exceeded the sixth month of pregnancy are no longer allowed to enter the country. The United States of America also wants to specifically prevent nationality tourism and has strict entry requirements for pregnant women in its laws.
Flying During Pregnancy – Is Consultation With The Gynecologist Necessary?
Have you decided to fly during pregnancy? You should definitely discuss this plan with your attending physician. He or she can best assess whether there are any health risks that speak against air travel. In addition, he or she can prescribe medical compression stockings for pregnancy, which can counteract the increased risk of thrombosis on long-haul flights.
Are There Any Reasons Not To Fly During Pregnancy?
Doctors recommend: If you want to fly while pregnant, you should start your trip after the 14th week of pregnancy if possible, as well as end it in time before the 36th week of pregnancy.
In addition, there are a number of reasons against flying during pregnancy:
– an already diagnosed risk of premature birth.
– severe anemia.
– Bleeding in the vaginal area.
– Cardiovascular diseases that make breathing difficult.
– a malposition of the placenta.
If in doubt, consult a physician and have this medical professional certify your fitness to fly!
Flying Pregnant – Helpful Checklist For Your Vacation Planning
Would you like to book a vacation trip soon that you will take while you are still pregnant? Then you should take the following tips to heart, so that flying during pregnancy becomes an unforgettably beautiful experience:
– Inform your airline in good time that you would like to fly pregnant.
– Choose your vacation destination carefully. Never travel to countries that the German Foreign Office classifies as dangerous.
– Talk to your doctor about your travel plans and have compression stockings prescribed if necessary.
– Book an aisle seat so you can get up and stretch your legs at any time.
– Don’t forget to stow your maternity passport in your carry-on luggage.
– Drink plenty of water.
– Wear loose clothing as well as comfortable shoes that offer sufficient freedom of movement.
– Anti-nausea medication is also useful (take only after consulting your doctor).
– Dextrose helps against circulatory problems.
Long-Haul Flights During Pregnancy – Enjoy Your Well-Deserved Vacation With Baby Bump
Have you been able to clarify all open questions and has your attending physician already given the green light for your planned flight during pregnancy? Then we would like to take this opportunity to wish you an unforgettably beautiful and relaxing vacation. Forget the worries of everyday life and recharge your batteries for the exciting challenges that await you as a young mom.
Do not be put off by friends and relatives who advise you not to fly during pregnancy. As a mom-to-be, you know best what you can expect of your body and your unborn baby. If there are no health concerns that speak against air travel, you can enjoy your vacation with your baby bump to the fullest!